Benedict XVI: charisms under guidance of bishops. Pope Benedict XVI greeted over 100 new bishops who are in Rome for a course co-sponsored by the Congregations for Bishops and Eastern Churches. The …More
Benedict XVI: charisms under guidance of bishops.

Pope Benedict XVI greeted over 100 new bishops who are in Rome for a course co-sponsored by the Congregations for Bishops and Eastern Churches. The Pope told the bishops to welcome the gifts of the laity for the sanctification of the Church and the vitality of the apostolate, while reminding them of their duty to discern the authenticity of these charisms. "We must be clear that no charism can exist without reference and submission to the Pastors of the Church," he said. Pope Benedict encouraged them to a life of prayer, nourished by meditation on the Word of God, personal study, and proper rest.
Let's pray for the Pope, because he's being attacked in Germany, I hope I can go there to support him. 😇 🙏