10 Commandments & Life, Homily by Catholic priest. Catholic priest preaches on the Commandments and the fullness of life found in God.More
10 Commandments & Life, Homily by Catholic priest.

Catholic priest preaches on the Commandments and the fullness of life found in God.
holyrope 3
@ACL....the libs are here.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen says:
"Who is going to save our church? Not the priests, not the bishops but the people. It is up to you to make sure the priests ACT like priests, bishops like bishops."
Liberals like anything that resemble PROTESTANTISM. That's why the church is in such dissaray!
They pack on the ratings to play their silly games, as if anyone cares 😘More
@ACL....the libs are here.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen says:

"Who is going to save our church? Not the priests, not the bishops but the people. It is up to you to make sure the priests ACT like priests, bishops like bishops."

Liberals like anything that resemble PROTESTANTISM. That's why the church is in such dissaray!

They pack on the ratings to play their silly games, as if anyone cares 😘
@Acederilla: Well..... one does like a refreshing wash of the simplex from time to time; pity your understanding of the scriptures is so superficial. It is precisely your approach that has our beloved Church in the monumental mess it is in at the moment.
Do not call a 'spade' a 'cruet'!! Always be honest and call something exactly what it is...... anything else would be just living a fairy-tale! …More
@Acederilla: Well..... one does like a refreshing wash of the simplex from time to time; pity your understanding of the scriptures is so superficial. It is precisely your approach that has our beloved Church in the monumental mess it is in at the moment.

Do not call a 'spade' a 'cruet'!! Always be honest and call something exactly what it is...... anything else would be just living a fairy-tale!

Good luck dear!
Good message; poor arrangement and articulation of thoughts. When will the 'flower-power' clergy learn that this uneducated approach no longer effects any lasting fruit (assuming it did, once upon a time)?
🤦 🤦