
Archbishop Blames The Devil For Sodomy, Condoms and Marriage Equality

By Jesse Marx
(Sept 13, 2013)

Archbishop John Nienstedt blames the devil:

The devil be damned. First he created sodomy, abortion, contraception and pornography as forces of societal destruction. Now he has dissolved marriage.

At least that's the way John Nienstedt, the Archbishop of Minneapolis and St. Paul, sees things. On Aug, 2, one day after the state started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples, he uttered these words at the Napa Institute:

"The source of these machinations is none other than the Father of Lies. Satan knows all too well the value that family contributes to the fabric of the good, as well as through the future of God's work on earth."

No surprise here. Nienstedt has been saying these things for years.
