Gay Activists Bully Tebow, Christian University

Gay Activists Bully Tebow, Christian University

Gay rights activists are demanding Tim Tebow back out of a speaking engagement at Liberty University just two weeks after pressuring the New York Jets quarterback to cancel a speaking engagement at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Tebow is expected to speak this weekend at Wildfire – a men’s conference hosted by the conservative Christian university. His remarks will be closed to the general public.

The professional football player is well-known for sharing his faith in Christ – but in recent weeks he’s come under fire from the national media and gay rights activists for speaking in churches that follow biblical teaching.

Several weeks ago Tebow canceled a speaking engagement at the First Baptist Church of Dallas – citing “new information” he had received.

Pastor Robert Jeffress has been an outspoken leader in the nation’s culture wars – affirming from the pulpit traditional marriage and salvation through Jesus Christ.

The national media labeled the pastor as anti-gay and anti-Semitic – charges that were vehemently denied by the church and the many national religious leaders.

“To me, the real issue here is the controversy this has generated,” Jeffress said at the time. “It’s amazing that a church that believes faith alone in Christ is what saves a person and that sex should be between a man and a woman in a marriage relationship – that somehow those beliefs are considered hate speech? That is historic Christian doctrine for the past 2,000 years.”

Protestantism will typically fold as there is no concrete backing to their "doctrine" ie there is none.
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
The gays are apparently emboldened by Tebow's backing out of the First Baptist gig and will now follow him around, "demanding' he back out of everything else.
He's too nice a guy to tell these nazis where they ought to go.
Ah, the Gaystapo strikes again.
> Due to …More

The gays are apparently emboldened by Tebow's backing out of the First Baptist gig and will now follow him around, "demanding' he back out of everything else.

He's too nice a guy to tell these nazis where they ought to go.

Ah, the Gaystapo strikes again.

> Due to Liberty University’s reputation for intolerance toward the LGBT community,

Who are the intolerant ones?

If people want to practice gay sex or pretend to be a gender they were not born as, go for it.

But that isn’t enough for them.

No, they want to compel me by threat of governmental force to voice approval of their behavior, or at least to silence my disapproval of it.
Lord God, please hear our plea that we may be allowed to freely preach your gospel of grace and your standards of conduct, and please silence these meddling busybody sodomites and their enablers.