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Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Maria Bertilla Boscardin. Ecumenical Meeting Disrupted Cyprus Another session of the International Joint Commission for Orthodox-Catholic Theological Dialogue opened …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Maria Bertilla Boscardin.

Ecumenical Meeting Disrupted


Another session of the International Joint Commission for Orthodox-Catholic Theological Dialogue opened last weekend on Cyprus. The meeting focused on “the role of Bishop of Rome in the communion of the Church in the 1st millennium”. But monks from Stavrovouni monastery and Larnaca clerics disrupted the conference. They claimed the dialogue between the two Churches aimed in the submission of the Orthodox Church to the Pope, and therefore they were demanding that Archbishop Chrysostomos II cancels the conference.

Europe Could Be an Important Actor

Yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI had an audience with Yves Gazzo, the Head of Delegation of the European Community Commission to the Holy See. Gazzo presented the Letters of Credence to the Pope. The Holy Father said that the European continent has a chance to become an important actor in the integral development of the human being, if it will remain faithful to its Christian roots.

Bishop Against Islamic Religious Education


Sunday, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco of Genoa, President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, criticized in an interview a government proposal to offer courses on Islam in schools as a way of steering young Muslims away from fundamentalist teachings. ‘The hour of Religious Education is justified by the fact that it forms part of our history and our culture,’ Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco told Corriere della Serra, and it does not seem to me that the planned hour of teaching the Islam corresponds to that reasonable and recognized motivation.’

First Usus Antiquior Mass in a Long Time


The group Giovani e Tradizione has been holding its "Summorum Pontificum" conference at Rome. In the context of the conference, Archbishop Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Segnatura, celebrated on Sunday the first after 40 years Solemn High usus antiquor Mass in the Basilica of St Peter's, in the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. The Mass was attended by auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider of Karaganda, author of the book "Dominus Est"; Mgr Pozzo, Secretary of Ecclesia Dei, and Msgr. Ferrer, representing Card. Canizares absent at the moment from Rome. Over a hundred priests were present.