Schools of Hope. Production Date: 2004 Duration: 10' Copyright : CRTN Language: English, French Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann Director: Agnieszka Dzieduszycka The finger of war often touches …More
Schools of Hope.

Production Date: 2004
Duration: 10'

Copyright : CRTN
Language: English, French
Executive Producer: Mark Riedemann
Director: Agnieszka Dzieduszycka

The finger of war often touches those that are the weakest and most innocent. The ongoing civil war in Sudan, with famine, bombing, slavery and flight haunt the Christians. War has destroyed most infrastructures including schools depriving the next generation, and so the flower of the country, of the educational tools necessary to rebuild the country. As a priority for the local Church, and so Aid to the Church in Need, a school rebuilding campaign has begun in Khartoum to try to provide the most basic educational needs.