Rome: Bomb Explodes As French Premier Francois Hollande To Meet With Pope Francis. by Nicklas Dayan on Jan 24, 2014More
Rome: Bomb Explodes As French Premier Francois Hollande To Meet With Pope Francis.

by Nicklas Dayan on Jan 24, 2014
Rosa de Sarom
O Santo Papa nao deveria confiar neste comunista nojento que é o Hollande.
Veja o péssimo exemplo na JMJ no Rio de janeiro. No dia seguinte que o Santo Padre viajou para Roma depois do JMJ legalizaram o aborto no Brasil.
O governo atual comunista Gramsci da Franca apoia os fundamentalistas contra o Cristianismo. Hollande odeia a religião Católica e só para aparecer resolveu fazer visita ao Santo …More
O Santo Papa nao deveria confiar neste comunista nojento que é o Hollande.

Veja o péssimo exemplo na JMJ no Rio de janeiro. No dia seguinte que o Santo Padre viajou para Roma depois do JMJ legalizaram o aborto no Brasil.

O governo atual comunista Gramsci da Franca apoia os fundamentalistas contra o Cristianismo. Hollande odeia a religião Católica e só para aparecer resolveu fazer visita ao Santo Padre para melhorar a imagem para o povo francês que o odeiam . Nem ele, nem seu ministro Vallis podem aparecer em público sem serem vaiados. Já até colocaram em protesto um caminhão cheio de fezes de gado na frente do edifício do parlamento francês porque ninguém aquenta Hollande e seu secto de gente mau caráter que o segue ...além das tradicionais prostitutas que sempre prestam serviço aos reis e presidentes da Franca e que só servem para poluir e desmoralizar ainda mais a imagem destas autoridades.

Nao se deve receber de jeito nenhum um inimigo mortal como os fundamentalistas que o governo comunista da União Européia apoia. ( Os comunistas e islamistas fundamentalistas tem aliança temporária para destruir o cristianismo ). Eles sao inimigos mortais que matam comunidades inteiras cristaes, aldeias, milhares de igrejas etc...
Hajoo...und aus is!!! Franziskus gab ihm wohl den letzten Rest...äh...Segen... 😇
Offiziell Trennung verkündet
Der Fotobericht des französischen Klatschmagazins „Closer“ über eine angebliche Liebesaffäre von Frankreichs Präsident Francois Hollande mit der Schauspielerin Julie Gayet vor zwei Wochen hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Zunächst hatte Hollande noch wortkarg und verärgert den Bericht verurteilt …More
Hajoo...und aus is!!! Franziskus gab ihm wohl den letzten Rest...äh...Segen... 😇

Offiziell Trennung verkündet
Der Fotobericht des französischen Klatschmagazins „Closer“ über eine angebliche Liebesaffäre von Frankreichs Präsident Francois Hollande mit der Schauspielerin Julie Gayet vor zwei Wochen hat hohe Wellen geschlagen. Zunächst hatte Hollande noch wortkarg und verärgert den Bericht verurteilt, habe er doch auch ein Recht auf ein Privatleben. Nun wurde der Druck allerdings zu groß, den Beziehungsstatus zu seiner bisherigen Partnerin Valerie Trierweiler weiter im Unklaren zu lassen. Am Samstag verkündete Hollande offiziell die Trennung von seiner bisherigen Partnerin.
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Hat der Papst nichts anderes zu tun als diesen Perversling zu empfangen? 🤬
Hollande gegenüber ist kein einziges Lächeln angezeigt, sondern ernste, sehr enste elterliche Strenge.
Wenn man das einstündige Video betrachtet, so lief da heut alles in gewohnter Pracht und Herrlichkeit ab.
Die Miene des Pontifex war grad nicht immer die hellste.. 😎
"Hours before Hollande's arrival, a small homemade bomb exploded in front of a French foundation that manages French architectural treasures in Rome, including five churches, and is headed by the French ambassador to the Holy See.
The Carabinieri military police said no one was injured, but that a few windows of the palazzo were shattered and that three cars parked on the street outside were damaged. …More
"Hours before Hollande's arrival, a small homemade bomb exploded in front of a French foundation that manages French architectural treasures in Rome, including five churches, and is headed by the French ambassador to the Holy See.
The Carabinieri military police said no one was injured, but that a few windows of the palazzo were shattered and that three cars parked on the street outside were damaged.
Police said it wasn't clear if the bomb, which contained metal bits as well as explosive powder, was related to Mr Hollande's visit or the foundation, which is located in the heart of Rome's historic centre.
Mr Hollande said he and the pope had discussed the security situation in the Central African Republic, where French forces are helping to stabilize the poor country and end sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims - as well as the war in Syria.
"I expressed the wish that the Vatican might welcome the democratic Syrian coalition, to make it clear that peace must be found through a political solution that allows for pluralism," said Hollande, noting that the Holy See was party to talks in Geneva over the Syria crisis. "We must do all we can to stop the fighting and deploy humanitarian aid."
He also said the pope had mentioned he was working on a document about the environment, without providing further details.
The president presented the pope with a book about St. Francis of Assisi, and the pope in turn gave him a medal.
The Holy See for its part said the talks focused on issues about the family, bioethics and respect for religious freedom. The Vatican and the Catholic Church in France vigorously opposed France's gay marriage and gay adoption law, which was a cornerstone of the Socialist Hollande's election manifesto.
Mr Hollande has acknowledged "painful moments" in his relationship with his partner, Trierweiler. He said he would clarify his domestic situation before a Feb. 11 state visit to Washington, when Trierweiler would normally accompany him.
Trierweiler, 48, who was not married to Hollande, was hospitalized January 10, a day after Closer magazine reported that Mr Hollande was seeing actress Julie Gayet.
The magazine published photos showing a man it said was the president, wearing a helmet and seated on the back of a scooter, allegedly being taken to a rendezvous with Gayet."