Ave Crux
HOW IS IT EVEN CONCEIVABLE....OPENLY ADVOCATING INFANTICIDE..how is it possible that people living in the 21st Century in the United States are saying these things....??? It's simply horrifying.... [I …More
HOW IS IT EVEN CONCEIVABLE....OPENLY ADVOCATING INFANTICIDE..how is it possible that people living in the 21st Century in the United States are saying these things....??? It's simply horrifying.... [I apologize in advance for the profanity -- but this is a shocking revelation on how quickly this country has slid into infanticide]
John A Cassani
I’m pretty sure that Peter Singer, the Princeton professor, has been arguing for this for decades. The fact that it is becoming mainstream at the same time as mutilation of children’s genitals is at once no surprise, and an indication that our “civilization” is circling the drain.
Horrifying is not even a strong enough word. These are voices from hell. The darkest days of Sodom and Gomorrah proudly spewing filth. God help us.
The hearts and minds of these have been deceived by evil ,they néed a total conversion ,I pray that it will not be too late for them
Bruceph Mildur
the contraceptive mind at work
Hey here's an idea: how about not sleeping with the first man that shows up to the party. I know this is anti-Christian but these type of people need to take contraceptives, rather than snuff out an inoccent life. This is not the solution of course, but why should an innocent life be sucked out of the mother's womb in pieces just because these self-centered, low IQ, twits can't abstain, and who is …More
Hey here's an idea: how about not sleeping with the first man that shows up to the party. I know this is anti-Christian but these type of people need to take contraceptives, rather than snuff out an inoccent life. This is not the solution of course, but why should an innocent life be sucked out of the mother's womb in pieces just because these self-centered, low IQ, twits can't abstain, and who is paying for the abortion? them, ah NO.
Wayside Shrine Maker
Some forms of contraception cause a very early abortion. If you believe in life begins at conception you cannot support most forms of contraception.
This is not a 21st century problem is a problem of raising kids without any moral formation. We know that morality only comes from God and his church other than that people in the past used to live this way and even worst. Roman men could kill their daughters if they wanted, if the baby was a girl they could kill her and it was not punished at all.
So what did parents did in the 20th century by …More
This is not a 21st century problem is a problem of raising kids without any moral formation. We know that morality only comes from God and his church other than that people in the past used to live this way and even worst. Roman men could kill their daughters if they wanted, if the baby was a girl they could kill her and it was not punished at all.

So what did parents did in the 20th century by letting their kids have their life and live their own free will and have the friends they want. Like a priest said in a homily about the sin of presumption that mothers think that because their kids have "good" friends they are going to be good and go the right way.

So the priest continues by saying, not to give anything for granted and not to let their kids spend the night out of their house or do things with their friends to "have fun".

A strong moral formation has to be taught, supervised and supported by parents at all times. We are simply living in the culture of "death" as St. John Paul 2 said. May God have mercy on all of us.
The fruit of public education and the Church going AWOL