Una canción de Navidad inusual. El coro católico de Balti / Moldova canta un villancico polaco. El Festival de Navidad diocesano en Balti / Moldova. 04/01/2014Más
Una canción de Navidad inusual.

El coro católico de Balti / Moldova canta un villancico polaco.

El Festival de Navidad diocesano en Balti / Moldova.
Guggenmoos compartió esto
Advents-und Weihnachtslieder.
Besonders schöne Advents-und WeihnachtsliedrMás
Advents-und Weihnachtslieder.

Besonders schöne Advents-und Weihnachtsliedr
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Holy Cannoli
Yes, you are probably right and he is married so why look up at the audience where his imagination may be a distraction. The hunt is over for him. Besides, if he were busy looking around at the audience, his wife may discuss the issue with him later that evening.
It's much safer to keep looking down.

Yes, you are probably right and he is married so why look up at the audience where his imagination may be a distraction. The hunt is over for him. Besides, if he were busy looking around at the audience, his wife may discuss the issue with him later that evening.

It's much safer to keep looking down.

@Holy Cannoli 👌
Perhaps the "handsome gentleman" is already married.Más
@Holy Cannoli 👌

Perhaps the "handsome gentleman" is already married.
Sehr schön :-)
Rosa de Sarom
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Super---- 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Mario García
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👏 👏 👍 bravo
O tgei bialas vuschs, che regordan vid il bi temps a Sedrun cun Vus.
Engraziel fetg e cars salids alla famiglia Buzut ed enconuschents.
🤗 🤗 🤗Más
👏 👏 👍 bravo

O tgei bialas vuschs, che regordan vid il bi temps a Sedrun cun Vus.

Engraziel fetg e cars salids alla famiglia Buzut ed enconuschents.

🤗 🤗 🤗
Gracias muy bello, felicidades a todos.
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Gracias muy bello, felicidades a todos.

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Muito Bonito.
Bravo. 👏
Holy Cannoli
Bravo! The harmony of the group sounded great.
My only suggestion is that perhaps the handsome gentleman could look up at the camera a little more often like his sisters do. I'm sure the ladies who watch the video would be very appreciative.
👌 😁 🤗Más
Bravo! The harmony of the group sounded great.


My only suggestion is that perhaps the handsome gentleman could look up at the camera a little more often like his sisters do. I'm sure the ladies who watch the video would be very appreciative.

👌 😁 🤗