162 Tsd.
Kloster Andechs: Dreihostienfest. katholischtv on Sep 28, 2013 Der „Heilige Berg“ Andechs ist der älteste und, nach Altötting, der zweitgrößte Wallfahrtsort Bayerns. Bei den „Heiligen Drei Hostien“…Mehr
Kloster Andechs: Dreihostienfest.

katholischtv on Sep 28, 2013
Der „Heilige Berg“ Andechs ist der älteste und, nach Altötting, der zweitgrößte Wallfahrtsort Bayerns.
Bei den „Heiligen Drei Hostien“ handelt es sich um konsekrierte Hostien, von denen zwei auf den Heiligen Papst Gregor den Großen (+ 604) und eine auf den Heiligen Papst Leo IX. (+ 1054) zurückgehen sollen.
Ein Höhepunkt ist jedes Jahr das Dreihostienfest, das bisher immer am vierten Sonntag nach Pfingsten gefeiert wurde.
parangutirimicuaro teilt das
Kloster Andechs: Dreihostienfest.
Wo kein einziges Pferdeschwanzmäderl (Ministrantin) mit dabei war, war das Pfingstfest in Salzburg...der Einzug in den Dom war jeweils grandios...g'standene Ministranten in entsprechender Haltung, Diakone und Priester...keine "aufgepickten" IrgendwasTrägerinnen...
Was bei diesem Event überhaupt wohltuend auffällt, ist das normale Nebeneinander von Volk und Klerus, das in einen gewaltigen Lobpreis …Mehr
Wo kein einziges Pferdeschwanzmäderl (Ministrantin) mit dabei war, war das Pfingstfest in Salzburg...der Einzug in den Dom war jeweils grandios...g'standene Ministranten in entsprechender Haltung, Diakone und Priester...keine "aufgepickten" IrgendwasTrägerinnen...
Was bei diesem Event überhaupt wohltuend auffällt, ist das normale Nebeneinander von Volk und Klerus, das in einen gewaltigen Lobpreis zusammenfließt, im Spenden und Empfangen der Gnade und Werke des Heiligen Geistes!!
Dort sind doch genug Mönche: trotzdem "Ministrantinnen" 🤦
Eremitin 🤗
interessant, kannte ich nicht 👍
While Pope St. Gregory was celebrating Holy Mass in the ancient church dedicated to St. Peter, at the moment
of distributing Holy Communion, he noticed that among the faithful standing in line was also present one of the
women who had prepared the bread for consecration (it was the custom in those days that the bread used for the
Mass was prepared by the faithful themselves). The woman, however, …Mehr
While Pope St. Gregory was celebrating Holy Mass in the ancient church dedicated to St. Peter, at the moment
of distributing Holy Communion, he noticed that among the faithful standing in line was also present one of the
women who had prepared the bread for consecration (it was the custom in those days that the bread used for the
Mass was prepared by the faithful themselves). The woman, however, was laughing out loud, and the Pope
asked her the reason for her behavior. The woman defended herself by saying she could not bring herself to
believe how it was possible that the very bread which she herself had prepared with her own hands, thanks to
the words of the consecration, became the Body and Blood of Christ. St. Gregory then prohibited her from
going to Communion and began to pray to God to enlighten her. He had just finished praying when he saw that
very piece of bread prepared by this woman turn into flesh and blood, at which point the woman repented, fell
to her knees, and began to weep. Part of the Reliquary is still preserved to this day at the Benedictine Monastery in Andechs, Germany.
Eucharistic Miracles
The Feast of the Three Hosts – a pilgrimage as described by Isaiah: Andechs pilgrimage, Germany
The monstance containing the three sacred Hosts is the centrepiece of the Andechs reliquary collection. The three sacred Hosts have been worshipped since the 12th century, making the Andechs pilgrimage to the 'Holy Mountain' one of the oldest in Bavaria . Peak times for pilgrimages to Andechs are the …Mehr
The Feast of the Three Hosts – a pilgrimage as described by Isaiah: Andechs pilgrimage, Germany
The monstance containing the three sacred Hosts is the centrepiece of the Andechs reliquary collection. The three sacred Hosts have been worshipped since the 12th century, making the Andechs pilgrimage to the 'Holy Mountain' one of the oldest in Bavaria . Peak times for pilgrimages to Andechs are the Week of the Cross in the week before Ascension and on the Feast of the Three Hosts on the fourth Sunday after Whitsun.