When all the events converge, the world will see Satan’s plan emerging.

Sep 5th, 2014

You see events exploding in many different places. This is the way it will be because evil is spilling over wherever there are openings in the society. Evil resides in the heart of human history, placed there by men’s countless sins. When this evil is not purged by repentance and God’s forgiving power, it grows and boils over wherever the society is weak.
On September 11, 2001, this evil broke forth in an extraordinary way. America was damaged. The terrorist world rejoiced. Ever since that decisive moment, the terrorists have taken heart. They saw concrete evidence of their power. 9/11 has become their battle cry. They are emboldened and give the impression that the future belongs to them. The West is on the defensive. Even with its much greater resources, it has no battle cry. Such is the world without faith to unite hearts and to lead to victory.
However, the future is not determined. Man is free and evil flows according to man’s free decisions. If there is repentance and a turning to God, these events can be avoided. What voices are raised? These locutions are a tiny voice but if their message is carried by others, then all the world can hear.
Comment: Each year, on September 11 the West braces for new outbreaks. Where will we be in 2015? We must act quickly to turn the world to repentance.


Sep 6th, 2014

When all the events converge, the world will see Satan’s plan emerging. Now, this plan is hidden. When it is revealed, the world will see its own mistakes, its poor choices and the helplessness of human wisdom. But a greater question exists, “Will there be any solution to the ever-increasing problems?” Efforts will be made. Mankind will continue to foolishly believe that it controls its own destiny. (That control has really not existed for a long time because these events go back almost 100 years.) All efforts will be futile. The powers and the intelligence behind the evil far surpass all human forces.
What will happen? I must speak clearly and loudly. My words seem small and reach only a limited group for now, but it is important that the words be recorded. Later, they will be flashed like headlines to the whole world.
I will never forsake mankind. I will always hold out my saving gifts. I will deliver all who call on my name, not from the evils that affect all, but from the despair that will accompany these evils.
The time is short. The preparations are already being made. Do not delay. Gather up your loved ones and say, “We must return to the Virgin Mary. She will sustain us in the trials”. And, I will.
Comment: Mary’s messages always bring hope, but only if we respond.

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