Conversions in India. Radical groups in India are accusing Christians of “forced conversions”. A freelance journalist explains: “This “boggy” of forced conversions is just not true, because, like …More
Conversions in India.

Radical groups in India are accusing Christians of “forced conversions”. A freelance journalist explains:

“This “boggy” of forced conversions is just not true, because, like you know, we cannot force to anybody to convert . So conversion is something that comes from your own conscience. So yes, there are people who are coming to Chistianity, like I have come from a non-Christian background, but I was not forced by anybody. And if the government today says that I cannot follow my conscience, I think it's very wrong. There are many states in India that have passed anti-conversion bills which say they cannot convert from Hinduism to Christianity without getting permission from what magistrate or something - which never happens. But a Christian can become a Hindu; that's really not fair. I think there is not really freedom of religion - it's called the freedom of religion or something like that – but there is no freedom of religion involved in it.”

The Indian constitution provides for fundamental rights, which include freedom of religion.
🙂 Video testimonies of Hindus who converted to Christianity:
Shekhar Kallianpur was born into a staunch and priviledged Hindi Saraswat Brahmin but he later converted to Christinity alturl.com/qvswj
Uttam, raised a Hindu, was rejected by his stepmother and father throughout his childhood suffering from blood cancer. He converts to Christinity after being miraculously cured alturl.com/9o6yj
Famous …More
🙂 Video testimonies of Hindus who converted to Christianity:

Shekhar Kallianpur was born into a staunch and priviledged Hindi Saraswat Brahmin but he later converted to Christinity alturl.com/qvswj

Uttam, raised a Hindu, was rejected by his stepmother and father throughout his childhood suffering from blood cancer. He converts to Christinity after being miraculously cured alturl.com/9o6yj

Famous Indian singer Anil Kant's Testimony of why he converted from a Hindu/Punjabi background to Christianity alturl.com/d289o

A succcessful ethnic Indian management consultant based in London describes the events which led him to question the meaning of life and finally yield his life to the Lord Jesus Christ alturl.com/ibgct