St Victorinus of Poetovio: Commentary on the Apocalypse. St Victorinus of Poetovio: Commentary on the Apocalypse Saint Victorinus was bishop of the Pannonian city of Poetovio (or Pettavium; now the …More
St Victorinus of Poetovio: Commentary on the Apocalypse.

St Victorinus of Poetovio: Commentary on the Apocalypse

Saint Victorinus was bishop of the Pannonian city of Poetovio (or Pettavium; now the modern Ptui, Slovenia) in the second half of the third century.
He is described by St Jerome as the first Latin exegete of the Bible. Of the many works which Victorinus produced, however, we have mere fragments of a very few, and only his Commentary on the Apocalypse (In Apocalypsin) is
complete. This commentary on the Book of Revelation is also the earliest surviving complete one, which was written by Victorinus during the reign of the Emperor Gallienus (258-260).
During the Great Persecution of Diocletan in 304, the Holy Martyr Victorinus joined the chorus of Saints.
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