Cristobal Ruiz
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

hahahahahahahahhaahahahha you're calling others self absorbed??? hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

hahahhahahhhaha stilll laughing hahahahahahahahaha
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

hahahhahahahahhahahaahahahhahahaha you are going to talk to me about credibility??? hahahahahahaha you are so funny! that made chuckle really loud! im outta here kfarley! peace!
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

obviously you do if you are going back and forth with me. Your pride is so strong that you feel the need to respond each time with less and less content in your posts. You fight like a 3 yr old who's toys have been talking away. talk like a man! debate like a man! be respectful towards your fellow Christians and don't make such a clown out of yourself! People only see you as a trouble starter. 😜
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

who are you my father? you sound so ridiculous. you hide behind a computer to say these things and that is cowardly. you have nothing of substance to say or to add to this site. People are laughing at you and the things you say to people here. No one takes you seriously. How does that make you feel? Wasting posts on this video that is great for depression and instead you fill it with things that …Más
who are you my father? you sound so ridiculous. you hide behind a computer to say these things and that is cowardly. you have nothing of substance to say or to add to this site. People are laughing at you and the things you say to people here. No one takes you seriously. How does that make you feel? Wasting posts on this video that is great for depression and instead you fill it with things that are useless words.
Cristobal Ruiz

Carrying a Heavy Cross~1 Part 1 of 6 Part 1: "Carrying a Heavy Cross: Dealing Effectively with Depression …

kfarley said
Control your raging hormones Marisol-it is effecting your judgement.
if that is not attacking a woman I don't know what is. You need to calm down kfarley. You are making a spectacle of yourself and we are all watching! If someone who comes on here who is not Catholic saw the way you handle people they would think catholics are not respectful it shows no class. Grow up!! 😡
kfarley said

Control your raging hormones Marisol-it is effecting your judgement.

if that is not attacking a woman I don't know what is. You need to calm down kfarley. You are making a spectacle of yourself and we are all watching! If someone who comes on here who is not Catholic saw the way you handle people they would think catholics are not respectful it shows no class. Grow up!! 😡
