Eileen Ratigan
Eileen Ratigan

EKKLESIA SISTERS - Love and Let Go - Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2014 - 2015

As long as the keep the pop music out of the mass, it's very nice.
Eileen Ratigan

Gloria.TV News on the 13th of May

You JUST can't make this stuff up.
Eileen Ratigan

The Francis Effect. Fr. Linus Clovis on the Francis Effect at a seminar for Pro-Life Leaders in Rome …

Even the Novus Ordo priests are starting to get it? Astonishing!
Eileen Ratigan

VORTEX: Voris Says Radical Right a Disgrace!

Heavenly Father, please make the Pope Catholic. I ask you this through Our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Ghost, One God, age upon age, Amen.