
The Perfect Protestant. So is there really such a thing as the 'perfect Protestant'?

He is not quite right. I'm Catholic and I'm forbidden by my priest to go to confession. Basically, I'm a protestant now and have to find salvation. How do I do it?

"180" Movie. Like Us? Follow Us: Award-Winning …

Are these people serious? This is going to change minds? Please stop with the "Hitler" analogies! Appealing to a past atheistic regime is going to stop the current American atheistic regime from killing babies? Is it stopping the current Israeli regime who ought to know better?
How about appealing to a really Catholic one?
Worth a try.More
Are these people serious? This is going to change minds? Please stop with the "Hitler" analogies! Appealing to a past atheistic regime is going to stop the current American atheistic regime from killing babies? Is it stopping the current Israeli regime who ought to know better?

How about appealing to a really Catholic one?

Worth a try.

Good Night, Knights! "There comes a time when a man must take a stand. Such a time has come."

Thanks, HolyRope.
When I was approached for membership in my (VERY traditional) parish for membership in the parish KofC I turned it down flat. I want no part of that organization.
Thanks, HolyRope.

When I was approached for membership in my (VERY traditional) parish for membership in the parish KofC I turned it down flat. I want no part of that organization.


Good Night, Knights! "There comes a time when a man must take a stand. Such a time has come."

I went to a Knights of Columbus hall nearby for a wedding reception and above the bar they had a plaque that had two pieces of rope tied together in a square knot glued to it. The plaque read: 'Masons and Knights: The Knot of Friendship.'
Join the Knights? No way, I'm Catholic!
I went to a Knights of Columbus hall nearby for a wedding reception and above the bar they had a plaque that had two pieces of rope tied together in a square knot glued to it. The plaque read: 'Masons and Knights: The Knot of Friendship.'

Join the Knights? No way, I'm Catholic!


Little by Little. "When you give the enemy an inch..he takes a mile."

She shouldn't have resigned. She should have demanded her employer accomodate her religious objections. I work for the government and we have to accomodate the Moslems and Hindus at work so why not the Christians?
The State has to make an honest effort to accomodate. They can't just fire you. Resigning just makes it easier for them so they don't have to face a stronger lawsuit for an unjust dismissal. …More
She shouldn't have resigned. She should have demanded her employer accomodate her religious objections. I work for the government and we have to accomodate the Moslems and Hindus at work so why not the Christians?

The State has to make an honest effort to accomodate. They can't just fire you. Resigning just makes it easier for them so they don't have to face a stronger lawsuit for an unjust dismissal.


LIBERAL CATHOLICS Blah Blah. "So Muslims are now scheduled to preach from the Quran in Catholic parishes …

Darn right. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. You either accept McDonald's, McDonald Douglas and Jesus or you get what is coming to you, babies and all. It's the American way. Remember, we're number one!!! We rule the world!!!
I'm happy to see ourselves in union on this one Farley. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out! You're number one with me buddy.
Darn right. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. You either accept McDonald's, McDonald Douglas and Jesus or you get what is coming to you, babies and all. It's the American way. Remember, we're number one!!! We rule the world!!!

I'm happy to see ourselves in union on this one Farley. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out! You're number one with me buddy.


LIBERAL CATHOLICS Blah Blah. "So Muslims are now scheduled to preach from the Quran in Catholic parishes …

Right on!
Yeah, and a backdrop of innocent men, women and children being blasted to bits with their flesh torn off them by high altitude bombing missions when the Christians get up to speak. What the heck, they're Moslems, not real human beings! We're Number One!!! We're Number One!!!
Right on!

Yeah, and a backdrop of innocent men, women and children being blasted to bits with their flesh torn off them by high altitude bombing missions when the Christians get up to speak. What the heck, they're Moslems, not real human beings! We're Number One!!! We're Number One!!!


Why Israel Mustn't Withdraw to its pre '67 Borders Line

Who is my ally? Jesus Christ. Who is my enemy? Anyone who denies Jesus Christ. Who is the new Israel? The Roman Catholic Church. Who are the new Jews? Roman Catholics! Who denies Jesus Christ? The modern day Jews. Hmmmm...
However, they are not to be hated nor despised. Only pitied like you would pity a Moslem. Perhaps one day they will both discover the Truth.
BTW, I don't know who flew the planes …More
Who is my ally? Jesus Christ. Who is my enemy? Anyone who denies Jesus Christ. Who is the new Israel? The Roman Catholic Church. Who are the new Jews? Roman Catholics! Who denies Jesus Christ? The modern day Jews. Hmmmm...

However, they are not to be hated nor despised. Only pitied like you would pity a Moslem. Perhaps one day they will both discover the Truth.

BTW, I don't know who flew the planes into those buildings. I also don't know who didn't fly a plane into Building 7 that fell down too.

I do know I don't have to use ad hominem arguments to make my point. Read a little, you'll be amazed to find out that the world is larger than you think it is. I think you'll find there is no substantial difference between the UN and DC.


Why Israel Mustn't Withdraw to its pre '67 Borders Line

LOL! If Israel is our ally I shudder to think what our enemies would look like!
Also, America would be much better off with a Catholic president than a Jew (if I could choose someone other than Obama).More
LOL! If Israel is our ally I shudder to think what our enemies would look like!

Also, America would be much better off with a Catholic president than a Jew (if I could choose someone other than Obama).

Why Israel Mustn't Withdraw to its pre '67 Borders Line

Yes, I have heard that said.
It was wrong when I first heard it and it is wrong now.
Sooner or later the Zionist entity will go.More
Yes, I have heard that said.

It was wrong when I first heard it and it is wrong now.

Sooner or later the Zionist entity will go.