holyrope 3
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob - November, 2010 Christmas Food Court Flash Mob - November, 2010More
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob - November, 2010
Christmas Food Court Flash Mob - November, 2010
Wonderful... πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
Holy Cannoli
Is it possible to download this to use in a church setting?
Yes. First, you must download this video to your computer. Click on any of the green links in the middle of the page linked below and the file will download.
Once on your computer, you must project the video onto a screen for a larger audience. I have no personal experience doing this but here's a link that may help.
www.ehow.com …More
Is it possible to download this to use in a church setting?

Yes. First, you must download this video to your computer. Click on any of the green links in the middle of the page linked below and the file will download.

Once on your computer, you must project the video onto a screen for a larger audience. I have no personal experience doing this but here's a link that may help.

Is it possible to download this to use in a church setting?
Absolutely breathtaking! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘