“Two Chicago-area priests were charged Monday with Lewd and Lascivious behavior and Indecent Exposure after being caught performing a sexual act inside a car parked on a Miami Beach street.”

'There Are No Tints On The Window': Miami Beach Police After Two Priests Caught Performing Sex Act In Car

September 4, 2018 at 12:24 pm Follow CBSMIAMI.COM: Facebook | MIAMI BEACH (…
De Profundis
Two priests have been arrested in Cupich's Archdiocese because one was caught performing an act of clericalism on the other in a car, is that Right?
What the blazes is going on here! They seem to not even care that they could get caught. I'm glad Cardinal Cupich suspended his faculties and removed him from ministry but is this the same as being defrocked? Is he still being paid by the diocese?
I think the crux of the matter and what we must keep focused on is that Cardinal Cupich should not have referred to the question of Papal knowledge of …More
What the blazes is going on here! They seem to not even care that they could get caught. I'm glad Cardinal Cupich suspended his faculties and removed him from ministry but is this the same as being defrocked? Is he still being paid by the diocese?
I think the crux of the matter and what we must keep focused on is that Cardinal Cupich should not have referred to the question of Papal knowledge of McCarrick as going down a rabbit hole and suggesting that climate problems are more important than the serious sins involved in the whole affair. He needs to deal with that error of judgment. He needs to apologise to victims for his irrational remarks and join his fellow Bishops in demanding that, what appear to me, credible allegations regarding Papal knowledge of the McCarrick affair is properly investigated for everyone's sake.
Joseph a' Christian
Homosexual priests. Yet the talmud-jew media keeps referring to them as pedophile priests. They are leaches, stealing all they kan from our Church.
Unity in Christ, strength for the faithful.
The bail was set at $250 / $500 which is much too low, and the judge did NOT confiscate their passports! Once they're out on bail, they'll catch the first plane to Columbia / Peru, South America and they will continue their honeymoon there!
Gesù è con noi
The priests live together at 2323 North Wilke Road in Arlington Heights, a Chicago suburb, at the Mission of San Juan Diego. Berrio is the pastor there.
Gesù è con noi
😡 😡 Fr. Berrio is the spiritual director and canonical adviser for a youth group called Iskali.
Disgusting perverts. The Church is becoming a bad joke.
Holy Cannoli
Before he bails them out of jail, Cardinal Cupich of Chicago (aka: Soupy) will demand to know their views on climate change and immigration. 🤦