Gloria.TV News on the 20th of August 2015 Threat: Voice of the Family has translated its analysis of the Instrumentum Laboris of next Family Synod in Italian, French and Spanish. This text will be the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 20th of August 2015
Threat: Voice of the Family has translated its analysis of the Instrumentum Laboris of next Family Synod in Italian, French and Spanish. This text will be the basis for discussions at the Synod. According to Voice of the Family it threatens the Catholic teaching on marriage by discussing artificial methods of reproduction without regard of their morality, proposing the admission of remarried divorcees to Communion without conversion, reducing the indissolubility of marriage to a mere ideal, suggesting that cohabitation can be legitimate, preparing the ground for the acceptance of homosex cohabitation and denying parental rights regarding the childrens’ sex education.
Fox in charge of the henhouse? In view of the Synod, Ignatius Press will publish the book “Eleven cardinals speak on marriage and family.” They are Cardinal Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Liturgy, Bologna Cardinal Caffarra, Prague Cardinal Duka, Utrecht Cardinal Eijk, Caracas …More
Dirty old men in clerics are trying their last thrust to destroy the Church from the inside before they die.
Holy Spirit, protect Your Church from them!More
Dirty old men in clerics are trying their last thrust to destroy the Church from the inside before they die.

Holy Spirit, protect Your Church from them!
Chris P.
It is not Pastoral, Charitable, or Merciful to ignore, or appear to condone any Mortal Sins, and this includes:
Homosexual Sins, Fornication, and Adultery with the valid spouse of another.