Uncle Joe

Not all miracles come from God -- Devil Baby Attack

How do you go about promoting a horror movie about a devil child? That's what Thinkmodo has done for its latest stunt to promote 20th Century Fox's Devil Due, which hits theatres this month. The shop …More
How do you go about promoting a horror movie about a devil child?
That's what Thinkmodo has done for its latest stunt to promote 20th Century Fox's Devil Due, which hits theatres this month. The shop, known for elaborate projects, built a robotic baby inside a remote-controlled stroller and then set it loose on the streets of New York. The reactions of well-meaning passersby are priceless.
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The little bundle of horror, requires three operators--one for the stroller, the other two for the baby's movement and facial expressions--who stayed well hidden a block or two away while the baby did its thing.
Freaky.. Like the guy in the yellow coat..no reaction:) Don't be surprised when you see people who look just like your neighbors..but aren't.
C. Loven
Noticing a mistake in St. Peter's roster, God calls Satan; "It seems you accidentally received some of my professionals down there: a teacher, a doctor and a farmer." "Yeah," Satan replies. "All the more for me!" God replies, "You better send them up here immediately." Satan says, "No way. I'm keeping them." God says, "Send them up here, or I'll sue the horns right off you." Satan laughs uproariously …More
Noticing a mistake in St. Peter's roster, God calls Satan; "It seems you accidentally received some of my professionals down there: a teacher, a doctor and a farmer." "Yeah," Satan replies. "All the more for me!" God replies, "You better send them up here immediately." Satan says, "No way. I'm keeping them." God says, "Send them up here, or I'll sue the horns right off you." Satan laughs uproariously, "Yeah, right. And just where are YOU going to get a lawyer?"