Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014 Progess Into the Abyss: German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leader of the anti-marriage and pro-gay group at the recent Synod of Bishops, is optimistic. In a …More
Gloria.TV News on the 23rd of October 2014
Progess Into the Abyss: German Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leader of the anti-marriage and pro-gay group at the recent Synod of Bishops, is optimistic. In a long interview with the anti-Catholic German paper Zeit he said: “Only in three of 62 points we did not receive a two-thirds majority. Even controversial points reached a strong relative majority. I am confident that we will progress next year.” Kasper is a close theological ally of Pope Francis.
Sin Judges the Word of God: Cardinal Kasper calls Catholic doctrine in the interview – quote – “abstract” and opposes it to sin which he calls “concrete experience”. He accuses the bishops who defend Catholic doctrine for adhering – quote – “to a rigid view of Church teaching”. Kasper’s bottom line: The word of God should not judge sin but sin should judge the word of God.
No Comment: Kasper is asked why the Synod never mentioned sin. Instead of answering he ignores the question.
Lashing Out: Kasper …More
la verdad prevalece
Kasper: "In dem letzten Teil meiner Rede ging es um die wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen, ich habe nach einer Lösung gefragt, wie sie zum Abendmahl zugelassen werden können. "
Fiel al Evangelio
Sempre peggio (Caduta nell'abisso) : Il cardinale tedesco Walter Kasper, leader del movimento omosessuale al recente Sinodo dei Vescovi, è ottimista. In una lunga intervista con il giornale anticattolico tedesco Zeit , ha detto: "Solo in tre dei 62 punti non abbiamo ricevuto una maggioranza di due terzi. Anche i punti controversi hanno raggiunto una forte maggioranza relativa. Sono sicuro che ci …More
Sempre peggio (Caduta nell'abisso) : Il cardinale tedesco Walter Kasper, leader del movimento omosessuale al recente Sinodo dei Vescovi, è ottimista. In una lunga intervista con il giornale anticattolico tedesco Zeit , ha detto: "Solo in tre dei 62 punti non abbiamo ricevuto una maggioranza di due terzi. Anche i punti controversi hanno raggiunto una forte maggioranza relativa. Sono sicuro che ci sarà un progresso prossimo anno ". Kasper è un alleato di Papa Francesco.

Si giudichi dunque la Parola di Dio: il cardinale Kasper nell'intervista definisce la dottrina cattolica "astratta" e si oppone al peccato che egli definisce come una "esperienza concreta".
Egli accusa i vescovi che difendono la dottrina cattolica come dei miopi che hanno " una visione rigida della dottrina della Chiesa". Riassumendo la linea di di Kasper: La parola di Dio non dovrebbe giudicare il peccato, ma il peccato deve giudicare la parola di Dio.

No Comment: Domando a Kasper perché il Sinodo non ha mai menzionato il peccato. Invece di rispondere egli ignora la domanda.

Sferzante: Kasper non si confronta con i suoi commenti razzisti contro gli africani. Invece gli viene data la possibilità di scatenarsi contro il giornalista Edward Pentin che ha fatto l'intervista che Kasper chiama - "una conversazione casuale in inglese". Egli sostiene che Pentin abbia registrato la conversazione "di nascosto", e pubblicato le parole scandalose di Kasper senza autorizzazione.
Riformatori razzisti: Kasper scredita i critici dei suoi commenti razzisti: "Sembra che l'ala destra dei cattolici sia sull'orlo esaurimento nervoso e ogni metodo è abbastanza buono per screditare i riformatori."

Kasper nega che l'omosessualità praticata sia un peccato: "Non vorrei giudicare la coscienza soggettiva dell'individuo. Invece di condannare dovremmo cominciare con noi stessi. “
"Gloria.tv” sottolinea che Kasper è costretto a dire lo stesso della pedofilia.

Insulti: Kasper afferma che nessuna decisione è stata presa nella prima fase del sinodo. Ma: "Non è detta l'ultima parola” .. Noi rimarremo sempre vigili "
E:" Speriamo di raggiungere il prossimo anno un'ampia maggioranza "Egli ha inoltre detto che Papa
Francesco considera i critici contrari ai rapporti omosessuali e alla convivenza al di fuori del matrimonio come
degli "ipocriti ".
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la verdad prevalece
Que extraño que borraron la traducción de este video?
Here is a great article with a unique perspective on several important concepts Cardinal Kasper seems to confuse: Cardinal Kasper, Mercy and Change
👍 👍 👍 👏
Apoyamos 100% esta idea:
Cristo-Rey-Soberano 23/10/2014 17:40:40
delia esther campot 👍 Buena idea si por favor queremos que Gloria tv hable en Español.More
👍 👍 👍 👏

Apoyamos 100% esta idea:

Cristo-Rey-Soberano 23/10/2014 17:40:40
delia esther campot 👍 Buena idea si por favor queremos que Gloria tv hable en Español.
un hijo de maria
The Blessed Virgin Mary´s 2nd. Message Of Garabandal.
JUNE 18, 1965
"As my message of October 18 (October 18, 1961)
has not been complied with and has not been made
known to the world, I am advising you that
this is the last one.
Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over.
Many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the road
to perdition and are taking many souls with them. …More
The Blessed Virgin Mary´s 2nd. Message Of Garabandal.


JUNE 18, 1965

"As my message of October 18 (October 18, 1961)
has not been complied with and has not been made
known to the world, I am advising you that
this is the last one.

Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over.

Many cardinals, bishops and priests are on the road
to perdition and are taking many souls with them.

Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist.

You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves
by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere
hearts, He will pardon you.

I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael
the archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now
receiving the last wornings. I love you very much and do
not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and
we will grant your requests.

You should make more sacrifices. Think about the
passion of Jesus.
delia esther campot 👍 Buena idea si por favor queremos que Gloria tv hable en Español.
delia esther campot
Gloria está hablando en ingles y es necesario que traduzcan al español.por favor. Y que hagan algo para que los videos se puedan ver y escuchar,ya que es algo imposible;Se CORTAN permanentemente.Muchas gracias.Dios los bendiga y la Virgen los proteja.
@Dr Bobus: Everybody knows that the Germans are playing a losing game (cf Second World War) and it is a true sign of the decadence of the Church and the papacy that they are allowed to run the show in Rome.
In the Spanish section there are someone that doesn't like the Gloria tv videos. This is no the first time that happen ; when the video is translated in Spanish this person that have many account post more videos to hide Gloria tv news videos. This person is playing the same game over and over again
Kasper niega que la practica de la homosexualidad es un pecado.
😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 Cardinal Walter Kasper is a demon! 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈 😈
Regarding Maciel dr. Bobus you are right, but it was under JPII that he florish, was protected, etc... regarding Bugnini... he was fired under John XXIII and raised up under Paul VI but it was Pious XII who appointed him on may 28 1948 to the secretary of liturgy reform, look it up.
There are HUNDREDS of example of wolves in sheep clothing, and this popes mentioned below and if we look on the other …More
Regarding Maciel dr. Bobus you are right, but it was under JPII that he florish, was protected, etc... regarding Bugnini... he was fired under John XXIII and raised up under Paul VI but it was Pious XII who appointed him on may 28 1948 to the secretary of liturgy reform, look it up.

There are HUNDREDS of example of wolves in sheep clothing, and this popes mentioned below and if we look on the other we will find more example of judas... my POINT is we shouldn't JUDGE a pope who already faced the justice/mercy of God because of his weakness, we should thank God becaise they were 1) valid, 2) they too were weak as the 1st Peter 3) they left this world as martyrs because of WHO were around them 4) I assure you that this popes weren't the same at the beginning compare to the end of their pontificates regarding spiritually 5) they all have signs of true holiness not just the title.

SURE, they all have negatives, some walked the edges of heresy and but they all showed they were men walking, struggling and suffering towards holiness.

We could debate Vatican II all day, all post conciliar popes for the change and persecution unintended (on their part) to the latin mass... but each of them did questionable things but they all fed the flock as Jesus wanted.

Francis is another story as material heresy WILL be done next year and many priests will run the infamous and wicked relatio as if it was the very word of God and it's not.
Fiel al Evangelio
You can not justify the sin not the sinner; the sinner only has a way out is through repentance.
Proverbs 17:15
He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous
are both alike an abomination to the Lord.
Love the sinner, hate the sin... IS NOT CATHOLIC DOCTRINE
Wow nothing but Kasper(le-theater). He will like it! So we know what we know about him allready "nix neues im osten".
But i want to know about Kard. BURGE AND ALL THE OTHERS WHO ARE STILL CATHOLIC in order to louden their voices and help them not to be drifted away till next year but instead become strong against all unjust councel of wrong!
Kard. Mueller could have done something ( much more than …More
Wow nothing but Kasper(le-theater). He will like it! So we know what we know about him allready "nix neues im osten".
But i want to know about Kard. BURGE AND ALL THE OTHERS WHO ARE STILL CATHOLIC in order to louden their voices and help them not to be drifted away till next year but instead become strong against all unjust councel of wrong!

Kard. Mueller could have done something ( much more than his suprised short awaging out of selfconfidence!) But he did not! I am afraid somehow he managed to be still sound asleep about whats going on. .
If he awakes he should ordain some bishops for PiusX and become friends with Kard. Burke... and the End of the dream? Well all of them become to know our Lord face to face rigth there on the altar giving HIM all honor celebrating the tridentinian Holy Mess - only there they will realy becme His priests.
Well we see next year if we dont fall asleep also.
Dr Bobus
Maciel was not appointed by JPII to anything.
Bugnini was out of power, living under a rock, until Paul VI named him to run the liturgical destruction.
Forte is not a Cardinal--Ratzinger was opposed to him being made a bishop.
The pope's first name is Jorge.
When Bernardin was named to Chicago in 1982, Rome knew that B was doctrinally weak. But Rome also realized that Bernardin had …More

Maciel was not appointed by JPII to anything.
Bugnini was out of power, living under a rock, until Paul VI named him to run the liturgical destruction.
Forte is not a Cardinal--Ratzinger was opposed to him being made a bishop.
The pope's first name is Jorge.

When Bernardin was named to Chicago in 1982, Rome knew that B was doctrinally weak. But Rome also realized that Bernardin had incredible power in the US, having engineered the appointment of many of his liberal buddies to the episcopacy--he had set himself up as the pope of the US. JPII knew Bernardin through Synods and thought he could control him. He couldn't.

Bernardin's power continued until O'Connor went to New York in 1984. B had personally appealed to the pope for pushed Kelly of Louisville. JPII refused. After a few years B's influence in the US was almost nothing. He tried to name his successor, but Rome said no. Finally, some weeks before he died, Bernardin went to Rome. JPII very briefly said hello and gave him a medal or Rosary and moved on to someone else. It was on video, and Bernardin looked foolish.
Dr Bobus
I think everyone should thank Cardinal Kasper. He has generously extended to the entire Church the ideology that all but reduced Catholic life in Germany to nothing. The seminaries and religious houses are empty or emptying (exc the FSSP and SSPX).
There is an old saying in tennis: Change a losing game. Cardinal Kasper lacks the intellectual honesty to know that he--and his German buddies--have …More
I think everyone should thank Cardinal Kasper. He has generously extended to the entire Church the ideology that all but reduced Catholic life in Germany to nothing. The seminaries and religious houses are empty or emptying (exc the FSSP and SSPX).

There is an old saying in tennis: Change a losing game. Cardinal Kasper lacks the intellectual honesty to know that he--and his German buddies--have been playing a losing game.