Happy Those, whom the Lord finds Vigilant. Father Reto Nay 9th of August 2012 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Happy Those, whom the Lord finds Vigilant.
Father Reto Nay
9th of August 2012
Sedrun, Switzerland
Gloria.TV – News Briefs
holyrope 3
Thank you Father Reto for your wise words!
When we have attained the prime of manhood or womahood are we self-sufficient? Are we out of danger's reach? Alas, how often the success of middle-age makes men forgetful of the path that led up to that happy time of moral contentment and earthly plenty. An unbridled youth brought many a Christian to a premature old age. Who guided and guarded you through …More
Thank you Father Reto for your wise words!

When we have attained the prime of manhood or womahood are we self-sufficient? Are we out of danger's reach? Alas, how often the success of middle-age makes men forgetful of the path that led up to that happy time of moral contentment and earthly plenty. An unbridled youth brought many a Christian to a premature old age. Who guided and guarded you through the perils of youth to the pinnacle of an honorable manhood or womanhood? With St. Paul you must answer: "By the grace of God, I am what I am." All that is good in me came to me from God's infinite mercy. Forget not that the grace of God and charity were poured forth into our hearts by the Holy Ghost. In a spirit of gratitude, be devout to that guiding Spirit, and allow not forgetfulness of your divine Benefactor to deprive you of that grace of which passion and the impulsiveness of youth did not deprive you, thanks to the watchful care of the Holy Spirit. How many have kept themselves free from the servitude of vice? How many have, perhaps, for years, led a life above all reproach, and suddenly, when they seemed to attained the summit of Christian perfection, have fallen so low? What was the cause of this? Conquered by a secret pride, they confided in their own strength and disregarded the voice of conscience, the voice of the Holy Spirit.

(The Holy Ghost Prayer Book) 1939
+Peace! Have you seen the one whom my soul loves? (Sgs 3:3) Some advise going over circumstances to see Jesus in them. The Most Holy Trinity indwells if in a state of grace. Why would anyone look outward or bother about the past or future when in God's eternal/timeless Presence? Makes sense sometimes but then distracted and lose the recollection. Lord have mercy. Obviously God keeps everything in …More
+Peace! Have you seen the one whom my soul loves? (Sgs 3:3) Some advise going over circumstances to see Jesus in them. The Most Holy Trinity indwells if in a state of grace. Why would anyone look outward or bother about the past or future when in God's eternal/timeless Presence? Makes sense sometimes but then distracted and lose the recollection. Lord have mercy. Obviously God keeps everything in existence, is always present though we're blinded to Him or He parts the ocean of Mercy so you remember how impossible it is to swim without the waters of grace.