NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson on transgender and he won't back down.
Facts Not Lies
For all the 'genders of identity' I've seen, Eden must have had more than Adam and Eve... Oops... is that the next revision? Adam, Eve, Bruce, Chuck, ... one new person for each contrived IDENTITY (not gender)?
Even the liberals got this wrong... IDENTITY NOT GENDER (and, IMO BTW... identity is still bogus... but, I once ran around with a gunbelt and saved the neighbor cats from bad men thinking …More
For all the 'genders of identity' I've seen, Eden must have had more than Adam and Eve... Oops... is that the next revision? Adam, Eve, Bruce, Chuck, ... one new person for each contrived IDENTITY (not gender)?

Even the liberals got this wrong... IDENTITY NOT GENDER (and, IMO BTW... identity is still bogus... but, I once ran around with a gunbelt and saved the neighbor cats from bad men thinking I was Roy Rogers ... then I grew up).

Two Genders!
Can I get an Amen? Amen
Not one American bishop would dare to speak like this
Darice Henriques
Minute 1:56 was my favorite line - "You need to get back to teaching them how to read, instead of teaching them how to go to hell."
Is it possible to ear the Pope a Cardinal bishop or priest speaking the Truth like that ? no .Why ?they know why
Can I get an Amen?
God Bless him.
Thanks for posting this.
Happy Thanksgiving Mr. Spitz