Pope: Christians in the Middle East, sign of hope. In Cyprus "I could see the apostolic work of the various traditions of the one Church of Christ and I could almost hear many hearts beat in unison."…More
Pope: Christians in the Middle East, sign of hope.

In Cyprus "I could see the apostolic work of the various traditions of the one Church of Christ and I could almost hear many hearts beat in unison." The Pope said this today in St. Peter's Square, before nearly 20,000 faithful during the general audience catechesis, dedicated to his most recent apostolic journey. Benedict XVI again mentioned his appeal to all Catholics in the Middle East.The culminating moment of the visit was the delivery of the Instrumentum labors for the next Synod of Bishops for the Middle East, which will call leaders in public life to work hard "so that the region can overcome the situations of suffering and conflict that still afflict it, and finally find peace in justice."