World Over - 2014-07-17 - The Brief, News from the World Over this week with Raymond Arroyo. Another papal interview corrected, Democrats push "War on Women" narrative, women bishops for Church of …More
World Over - 2014-07-17 - The Brief, News from the World Over this week with Raymond Arroyo.
Another papal interview corrected, Democrats push "War on Women" narrative, women bishops for Church of England.
Michelle Arnold needs to get re-educated. She believes that children in 'catholic' schools teaching Common Core is more Catholic than the education they'd receive at an SSPX school... She must be smoking that wackey weed they just legalized. She must pack her weed-brownies everyday in her lunch. EWTN has gone to pot...a Long time ago!
. It appears there's a new 'Apologist' on EWTN by the name of Michelle Arnold. I came across her response to a question from a Caroline on 7-01-2014. Caroline writes that her grandchildren attended a Catholic school that now teaches Commom Core. She said she met with the bishop, principal, and school counselor and they said they have no intention of stopping the Common Core curriculum. She then …More
. It appears there's a new 'Apologist' on EWTN by the name of Michelle Arnold. I came across her response to a question from a Caroline on 7-01-2014. Caroline writes that her grandchildren attended a Catholic school that now teaches Commom Core. She said she met with the bishop, principal, and school counselor and they said they have no intention of stopping the Common Core curriculum. She then states they found a school that offers the Tridentine Mass, and solid yraditional Catholic books. The diocese she says reports this school is run by the SSPX. She viewed the school. Said they have pictures of the popes and pray for the pope. The teachers are rock-solid traditional Catholic. She then asks the EWTN 'apologist', Michelle Arnold .."If we only have the kids educated there but we do not take the sacraments from their church are we in error? ................. Here's Michelle's response,......... ...... Caroline-- Do you really think that your grandchildren can be educated at an SSPX school and not have any of the attitudes of the SSPX toward the Church rub off on them... or on you? I'd say you already have a problematic view of the SSPX springing up if you can say that you find them to be "rock-solid" simply because they hang pictures of the popes on the walls and include the reigning pope in their prayers. Not only that, but I don't doubt for a second that your grandchildren will be required to go to Mass at this SSPX school, and perhaps also required to confess and receive Communion there. As disappointing as it must be for your grandchildren's current school to dismiss your concerns about the cirriculum, it is still a far more Catholic environment for your grandchildren than this SSPX school, if only because it is in communion with the local bishop. If your grandchildren's parents don't want the children learning from that curriculum though, I'd recommend looking into homeschooling or into a secular private school before I'd send children to an SSPX school. Signed: Michelle Arnold ...Catholic Answers from EWTN