They Said: Abort Children But Spare Bin Laden. On March 8, 2010 Members of TFP Student Action distributed fliers at George Washington University in Washington D.C.More
They Said: Abort Children But Spare Bin Laden.
On March 8, 2010 Members of TFP Student Action distributed fliers at George Washington University in Washington D.C.
@saenie - Indeed!!! Well said! 👍
Thank you, TFP, for another splendid campaign exposing the fallacies of the cultural revolution. God bless you.
Saint Thomas Aquinas was right: sin really does make you stupid.
If all morals are made up and morality is ultimately subjecitve, then how can a woman really have a 'right to choose'... isn't that just such some subjective moral that people have invented then? What right do they have to impose their subjective morals about a woman's right to abort on everyone else then?
If morals are made up, then there isn't really such a thing as a 'right to choose', but it's …More
If all morals are made up and morality is ultimately subjecitve, then how can a woman really have a 'right to choose'... isn't that just such some subjective moral that people have invented then? What right do they have to impose their subjective morals about a woman's right to abort on everyone else then?

If morals are made up, then there isn't really such a thing as a 'right to choose', but it's just some made up moral. Why would they act as though denying the freedom of abortion was 'wrong' if they didn't believe there really was such a thing as 'wrong'? Certainly if there is no real 'right or wrong' beyond what people have made up, then surely there is also no such as a 'right to choose' beyond what people have invented.

What on earth does it mean then to pass judgment on pro-lifers for not following the morals that they admit to have made up themselves? If someone says 'my made up morality judges you pro-lifers to be immoral and against women's rights', how does that really mean anything? Why should that mean anything? And yet that is exactly what they are saying if they claim that morality is subjective and imagined, is it not?

Pro-choice liberal feminists at US colleges are likely among the first people that would die if Mr. Bin Laden had his way with the world...

It is hoist with its own petard.


God Bless,
how many minds that have been polluted by the past generation. Sad... it all comes down to Pride and ignorance of God. Wonder if these pro-"choicers" could have seen an aborted baby right then, what they would have said? One can always tell them, that if their Mothers' had aborted them, they wouldn't be able to be there "defending" their "choice" to begin with. Sheer stupidity.
TFP Student Action are doing a great service for pro-life awareness and demonstrating the hardness of the pro-death side. Hardened hearts and the death of the soul itself are products of the pro-death stance.
There is nothing pro-choice about abortion proponents-they push for abortion only and never any life option for the child.
I think this is awesome what these guys are out there doing and they should have our full support 👍