Ave Crux
Priest's Heartfelt Confession: Mea culpa! I apologise to the SSPX for saying in the past that people should not attend their Masses and I was wrong also to find fault with the 1988 bishops' consecrations …More
Priest's Heartfelt Confession: Mea culpa! I apologise to the SSPX for saying in the past that people should not attend their Masses and I was wrong also to find fault with the 1988 bishops' consecrations. Public events and interior growth compel me to reassess... and apologise. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre knew what he was defending: the greatest thing on earth, the hope of the world.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Statement worth listening
Croí Láidir
I HIGHLY RECOMEND following Fr Mawdsley's YouTube channel Scripture and Tradition.
Michael H
Fr. Mawdsley's orientation is concerning, esp, given his recent one which seemed to support the late sedevacantist, Fr. Cekada.
Lisi Sterndorfer shares this
Neues Video von Pater James Mawdsley - ehemaliger FSSP - der jetzt die FSSPX unterstützt
Der Hofrat
Warum hat der Pater seine Gemeinschaft verlassen?
Ralph Alexander Michael Curtis shares this
Sally Dorman
I heard rumours from Austria that the SSPX could loose the church they got in Vienna - featured also in this video - for own incompetent and bad behaviour towards the previous owner.
Cath intruth
God has Blessed this priest with the grace to finally see the truth.
I don’t agree with his view on the FSSP though; they betrayed Abp Lefebvre and compromised the truth.
Pope St Pius X, Ora pro nobis 🙏
Michael H
The FSSP "betrayed" Abp. Lefebvre...?
Rather, in reality, Abp. Lefebvre betrayed The Catholic Church, and that was a bridge too far for those who rightfully broke with the SSPX sect, and were received back in to the fold!
Herein lies one of the problems with SSPX - it becomes cult-like.
We called to be part of The. Catholic. Church.
We're "NOT" called to be part of some holier-than-thou …More
The FSSP "betrayed" Abp. Lefebvre...?
Rather, in reality, Abp. Lefebvre betrayed The Catholic Church, and that was a bridge too far for those who rightfully broke with the SSPX sect, and were received back in to the fold!

Herein lies one of the problems with SSPX - it becomes cult-like.

We called to be part of The. Catholic. Church.
We're "NOT" called to be part of some holier-than-thou cult that thinks it can continually thumb it's nose at the Pope, and claim to be loyal Catholics, whilst in a perpetual state of irregular status.

The SSPX has no Canonical mission. The end.
Cath intruth
@Michael H you didn’t watch the video above?
Michael H
Ahhhh.... yes, actually, I did!
Perhaps "you" haven't clearly read my comments, and/or simply view Abp. Lefebvre as being somehow higher than the Pope and/or SSPX as being "The" Catholic Church (if not higher).
Whilst the excommunications of 1988 have been lifted (and they couldn't have been lifted, if they weren't there in the first place!), irregular status has NOT changed.
Consider the following …More
Ahhhh.... yes, actually, I did!
Perhaps "you" haven't clearly read my comments, and/or simply view Abp. Lefebvre as being somehow higher than the Pope and/or SSPX as being "The" Catholic Church (if not higher).

Whilst the excommunications of 1988 have been lifted (and they couldn't have been lifted, if they weren't there in the first place!), irregular status has NOT changed.

Consider the following, by a former long-time SSPX adherent... he's a lawyer, so he's done a deep dive - Is the SSPX Right? w/ John Salza

Pax Christi...
Cath intruth
“By their fruits you will know them”.
No pachamama for me.
Michael H
If you want to apply the "by their fruits..." statement, it needs to be across the board - so now apply it to all the homo and pedo priests in the SSPX, and what looks like an attempt by the SSPX to cover it up.
Cath intruth
The devil always attacks what is of God.
Infiltration happened in the Catholic Church, including the SSPX.
Michael H
yep, sure does... looks like we're getting closer to being on the same page... 'tho I do wonder why you keep putting angry emoticons up next to my posts. It's not dissimilar to how lefties do the same when you don't agree with their narrative. Hmmm...
Cath intruth
So what’s your point?
The Catholic Church was attacked from within (Pope Benedict XVI alluded to it too).
Abp Lefebvre defended our Faith as handed down by our Lord through the Apostles and Church Fathers.
FSSP betrayed Abp Lefebvre, and are now learning it the hard way: Fraternity of Saint Peter in Ars: “Synodal” Church Forbids Mass
In 1995 our diocesan Priest 2 x PHD’s 13 degrees said “ It’s every man for himself, you can no longer rely on the church “ with reference to the SSPX he told us “ When you are in a desert and you come across an oasis, drink”.
Michael H
He could have 100 doctorates and other degrees, yet still be wrong... ONE Church. One Faith... One Pope...