
"I shall not attend the graduation" by Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley

BOSTON COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT STATEMENT Cardinal Sean May 10, 2013 Because the Gospel of Life is the centerpiece of the Church’s social doctrine and because we consider abortion a crime against humanity …More
Cardinal Sean
May 10, 2013

Because the Gospel of Life is the centerpiece of the Church’s social doctrine and because we consider abortion a crime against humanity, the Catholic Bishops of the United States have asked that Catholic institutions not honor government officials or politicians who promote abortion with their laws and policies.
Recently I learned that the Prime Minister of Ireland, the Hon. Mr. Enda Kenny was slated to receive an honorary degree at Boston College’s graduation this year. I am sure that the invitation was made in good faith, long before it came to the attention of the leadership of Boston College that Mr. Kenny is aggressively promoting abortion legislation. The Irish Bishops have responded to that development by affirming the Church’s teaching that “the deliberate decision to deprive an innocent human being of life is always morally wrong” and expressed serious concern that the proposed legislation “represents a dramatic …More
Uncle Joe
His statement is too weak.
Why use the soft girly-man approach if you absolutely recognize the crisis and are totally committed to preserving the lives of unborn babies?
Uncle Joe would have applauded the Cardinal if he would also have condemned Catholic politicians, and Catholic educators, foreign and domestic, who support abortion, and did so from an equally prominent podium. His refusal to go …More
His statement is too weak.

Why use the soft girly-man approach if you absolutely recognize the crisis and are totally committed to preserving the lives of unborn babies?

Uncle Joe would have applauded the Cardinal if he would also have condemned Catholic politicians, and Catholic educators, foreign and domestic, who support abortion, and did so from an equally prominent podium. His refusal to go to the commencement is a start, -- we don't usually except even that from our prelates which is why the story is news worthy,

Here's what the Cardinal should have said:

Catholic Action League Executive Director C. J. Doyle, an alumnus of Boston College, said: “Even for a university whose Catholic identity is as compromised as that of BC, this decision (the invitation to Kenny) is shameful and dishonorable. Boston College has gone beyond promoting dissent against Catholic teaching to giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the Church. Every faithful Catholic in this country ought to protest against this odious perfidy.

Church leaders can continue to preach “dialogue” and “ecumenism” and “reaching out to some misbegotten group or another” until hell freezes and it will accomplish nothing, unless and until the RC Church starts putting into action what it allegedly believes by excommunicating those who support abortion or homosexual marriage.

What credibility can the Catholic Church have among other denominations and potential converts when it refuses to discipline its own wayward members including heterodox clerics. Instead of being an example and a light to all Christianity, we have become a laughingstock because of cowardly bishops who refuse to teach the faith and Rome's refusal to exercise its authority.
I am afraid, you could be right gottogosome...
He'll show if a Kennedy was graduating just like he did at Ted Kennedy funeral Mass, another politician who promoted abortion.
The second step will be to put the Jesuits at Boston College under pressure. That should not be too difficult for a cardinal who belongs to the inner circle around Pope Francis.
I am very very glad to see Cardinal O'Malley do this! It is a step in the right direction for him! I just pray that he keeps with this course of action.