Abbeville church parishioners stop teen with rifle from entering during First Communion Mass A tragedy was narrowly avoided at an Abbeville church this weekend, where a teen, dressed in black and armed …More
Abbeville church parishioners stop teen with rifle from entering during First Communion Mass
A tragedy was narrowly avoided at an Abbeville church this weekend, where a teen, dressed in black and armed with a rifle, was stopped by parishioners from getting inside where dozens of children were making their First Communion.
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Bei Erstkommunion: Bewaffneter Jugendlicher löst Panik aus
Bei Erstkommunion: Bewaffneter Jugendlicher löst Panik aus - katholisch.de
ABBEVILLE ‐ Eine Erstkommunionfeier im US-Bundestaat Louisiana fand ein jähes Ende: Ein Teenager drang mit einer Waffe in die Kirche ein. Dass nichts Schlimmeres passierte, ist offenbar wachsamen Messbesuchern zu verdanken.
martin fischer
Billy F Sean Johnson martin fischer
Sean Johnson
Couldn’t help hoping the consecration hadn’t yet taken place, or noting that the interruption of Mass for any reason is a sacrilege.