
Psychologists Who Dissent from the Reigning Gender Ideology

JUNE 20, 2018 Psychologists Who Dissent from the Reigning Gender Ideology WANDA SKOWRONSKA The word “dissent” is usually associated with those courageous opponents of the Soviet regime during the Cold …More
JUNE 20, 2018
Psychologists Who Dissent from the Reigning Gender Ideology
The word “dissent” is usually associated with those courageous opponents of the Soviet regime during the Cold War but may well be applied now to psychologists and psychiatrists opposed to strange diagnoses. Dissidents usually state unpleasant truths and are silenced by denunciation, ostracism, or imprisonment. While dissident psychologists are unlikely to be sent to a physical gulag, they are sent instead to a social one wherever ideology infiltrates the profession. The important thing is that there are dissident psychologists who are willing to risk it.
Recently, some psychologists and psychiatrists publicly disagreed with the heavy lobbying by activists to normalize Gender Identity Disorder (GID) by removing it from the category of “disorder.” The most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, volume 5—the DSM5, used the world over—says transgender individuals …More
Some people argue that psychology is a false science that dresses sin up in medical terms - sin that naturally will manifest in the mental disorder so medicalised. What we are seeing now are the clothes coming off. We see the bare naked truth that sin as a perverse will set against the natural law is now acceptable and that the false science of psychology needs to get with the program and stop …More
Some people argue that psychology is a false science that dresses sin up in medical terms - sin that naturally will manifest in the mental disorder so medicalised. What we are seeing now are the clothes coming off. We see the bare naked truth that sin as a perverse will set against the natural law is now acceptable and that the false science of psychology needs to get with the program and stop labelling as mentally disordered people, who will to live as they like without any regard to the natural law. The lunatics have literally taken over the ayylum. Its an interesting perspective.