Morning Prayer for Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Morning Prayer for Tuesday of the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time and the Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr Please note, we have received …More
Morning Prayer for Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Morning Prayer for Tuesday of the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time and the Memorial of Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
Please note, we have received multiple requests from listeners for a Spanish version. To honor those requests, we will upload a Spanish version each Monday beginning November 18. Tuesday through Friday will be in English, as usual. Please let us know what you think. Thank you.
Asegúrese de pasar por todos los lunes para escuchar Laudes en español, a partir del 18 de Noviembre!
Dear kenkleno,
Thank you for your listenership and for your thoughtful comment. I sincerely appreciate your sentiments and I actually feel the same way you do. Let me see if I can explain my reasoning, perhaps it will shed some light on what is going one here: (1) it is a business decision - though I do this on a voluntary basis, I try to run it as if it were a small business by sticking to commitments …More
Dear kenkleno,
Thank you for your listenership and for your thoughtful comment. I sincerely appreciate your sentiments and I actually feel the same way you do. Let me see if I can explain my reasoning, perhaps it will shed some light on what is going one here: (1) it is a business decision - though I do this on a voluntary basis, I try to run it as if it were a small business by sticking to commitments, looking for ways to improve the product, reach new 'customers' etc.. I know the Spanish-speaking market is huge, and I'm curious, as an experiment, how this 'plays' in that world. (2) it is a personal decision - my Italian mother taught Spanish in High School for 30 years, my wife was born in Colombia and I actually travelled to Latin America for years selling power equipment. I love the Spanish language and culture. I'm not fluent, but I can narrate well enough. With my wife's help I will work on pronunciation and keep my skills sharp. This will help me do that. (3) Listeners requested it - like any small business, I will respond to my listener's requests as best I can. No one has approached me about any other language besides Spanish. Fortunately, it is within my meager abilities to try and accommodate that request. If it were any other language it just wouldn't be possible. (4) inspiration of the Holy Spirit - this whole project was and is an inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We know that the Spirit blows where it will. I'm just trying to follow that holy wind. I don't know where it will go. Maybe no place. Maybe someplace. We'll have to see. It is an experiment.

Thanks for caring enough to comment. It means a lot to me and I thank you for listening. Please let me know if you have any other thoughts or comments. God bless and hello to our friends in Cleveland, a great city.
I am not in favor of the Spanish download. With all due respect I think there are enough resources in the Spanish community to create their own Spanish podcasts for their language needs. I am a 73-year-old American of immigrant parents from Poland and Slovakia raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Although Polish and Slovak were spoken in our homes and neighborhood and in Church and at school, with our own …More
I am not in favor of the Spanish download. With all due respect I think there are enough resources in the Spanish community to create their own Spanish podcasts for their language needs. I am a 73-year-old American of immigrant parents from Poland and Slovakia raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Although Polish and Slovak were spoken in our homes and neighborhood and in Church and at school, with our own Polish and Slovak radio stations and newspapers, the adults in the community made sure the children were mainstreamed regarding language. As a community we never expected or required the mainstream community to adjust to and cater to and accommodate our language needs. Assimilation was a lesser problem back then than it is now. Today, instead, we have the constant destruction and denigration of the mainstream culture. Our national motto used to be, "E pluribus unum," which was our strength and our richness. Now, it appears, our motto is becoming "E pluribus multum," and the ensuing divisiveness will be our weakness and our undoing.
Susy Longoria
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Demos gracias a Cristo, el buen Pastor que entregó la vida por sus ovejas, y supliquémosle, diciendo:
Apacienta a tu pueblo, Señor.
Señor Jesucristo, que en los santos pastores nos has revelado tu misericordia y tu amor,
—haz que por ellos continúe llegando a nosotros tu acción misericordiosa.
Señor Jesucristo, que a través de los santos pastores sigues siendo el único pastor …More
🙏 🙏 🙏
Demos gracias a Cristo, el buen Pastor que entregó la vida por sus ovejas, y supliquémosle, diciendo:
Apacienta a tu pueblo, Señor.
Señor Jesucristo, que en los santos pastores nos has revelado tu misericordia y tu amor,
—haz que por ellos continúe llegando a nosotros tu acción misericordiosa.
Señor Jesucristo, que a través de los santos pastores sigues siendo el único pastor de tu pueblo,
—no dejes de guiarnos siempre por medio de ellos.
Señor Jesucristo, que por medio de los santos pastores eres el médico de los cuerpos y de las almas,
—haz que nunca falten a tu Iglesia los ministros que nos guíen por las sendas de una vida santa.
Señor Jesucristo, que has adoctrinado a la Iglesia con la prudencia y el amor de los santos,
—haz que, guiados por nuestros pastores, progresemos en la santidad.