Work With Divine Means. Father Reto Nay 17th of August 2012 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Work With Divine Means.
Father Reto Nay
17th of August 2012
Sedrun, Switzerland
holyrope 3
Very nice Father, thank you so much!
It Is a Most Powerful Aid in Conforming My
Interior Life to That of Jesus Christ

O my adorable Master, there are three sentiments which hold sway in Thy Sacred Heart: complete 'dependence' upon Your Father, and therefore 'perfect humility': then secondly a 'burning and universal love' for men; and finally the 'spirit of sacrifice'.
When You came …More
Very nice Father, thank you so much!

It Is a Most Powerful Aid in Conforming My
Interior Life to That of Jesus Christ

O my adorable Master, there are three sentiments which hold sway in Thy Sacred Heart: complete 'dependence' upon Your Father, and therefore 'perfect humility': then secondly a 'burning and universal love' for men; and finally the 'spirit of sacrifice'.


When You came into the world, You said, "Father, 'behold, I come to do Thy will.' You often remind us that Your whole inner life may be summed up as a continual desire 'to do always the things that please Your Father.' O Jesus, You are obedience itself, "obedience unto death, even to the death of the Cross." Even now, You obey Your priests. At the sound of their voice, You come back to the earth: "The Lord obeying the voice of a man."
What a school the Liturgy is, in which to learn to imitate Your subjection, if my heart will only become 'supple and responsive to the smallest rites' with a desire of forming a spirit of dependence upon God, and of unflinchingly taming this "ego" of mine, so thirsty for liberty, and of 'bending' my judgment and my will, so quick to refuse allegiance, Lord, to the 'fundamental spirit' which You came to teach by Your example: Worship of the Will of God!

(The Soul Of The Apostolate) Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard, O.C.S.O