holyrope 3
LTC Allen West On Illegal Immigration. Lieutenant Colonel Allen West On Illegal ImmigrationMore
LTC Allen West On Illegal Immigration.
Lieutenant Colonel Allen West On Illegal Immigration
holyrope 3
Looks like some people haven't paid too much attention to the different subjects for video posting under the CATEGORY list.
The real concern some people are having is this subject of Illegals entering our Country. They feel that American Laws do not apply to them! Only to LEGAL Americans. But they certainly enjoy the benefits of LEGAL AMERICAN taxpayerstaking care of their medical and social …More
Looks like some people haven't paid too much attention to the different subjects for video posting under the CATEGORY list.

The real concern some people are having is this subject of Illegals entering our Country. They feel that American Laws do not apply to them! Only to LEGAL Americans. But they certainly enjoy the benefits of LEGAL AMERICAN taxpayerstaking care of their medical and social security! Some nerve!
Holy Cannoli
...let's get rid of "illegal" videos that have nothing to do with the Catholic Faith!
There are numerous videos uploaded to Gloria.tv (including some of my own) that do not deal directly with Catholicism except perhaps in a peripheral way. Does “Wine Tasting With Ginger” have anything to do with Catholicism? Of course not. Yet, you didn't call that video “illegal.”
I liked “Wine Tasting With …More
...let's get rid of "illegal" videos that have nothing to do with the Catholic Faith!

There are numerous videos uploaded to Gloria.tv (including some of my own) that do not deal directly with Catholicism except perhaps in a peripheral way. Does “Wine Tasting With Ginger” have anything to do with Catholicism? Of course not. Yet, you didn't call that video “illegal.”

I liked “Wine Tasting With Ginger” despite the fact it was not one of the seemingly endless litany – and usually boring because of their frequency-- Catholic videos that deal with Benedict XVI. If all videos that were uploaded to Gloria were strictly “Catholic” this would be a very dull and predictable internet website.

Wisely, the administrators of Gloria understand this. Certainly most videos deal with matters Catholic but there is obviously plenty of room for fun videos like “Ginger” or videos like my own “What is Love.” What is Love?

There are videos that are serious and informative. This is good. To liven things up, other videos are fun. There is even a line to be checked when uploading which indicates that the video being uploaded is meant to be “fun.”

The above video is news (reportage). Within the wide latitude that posters are given to upload diverse videos, “LTC Allen West On Illegal Immigration” is clearly within bounds. If anyone objects to this video, I would suggest that that person/s look into their own hearts and ask why? If Allen West has said something that is untrue, refute it. If what he says is true and I personally believe it is, then (if you have the courage and the intellectual honesty) ask yourself why you resent the truth?

As far as looking to the American Catholic hierarchy for guidance, forgetaboutit. With the strength of Canon Law to support them, these cowards simply choose to ignore it and they still give (with few exceptions) the Eucharist to openly pro-abortion Democrat politicians. .
Canon 915, provides that "[t]hose... who obstinately persist in manifest grave sin, are not to be admitted to Holy Communion."

Why should I then listen to these hypocrites regarding political matters such as “illegal immigration'? No, thank you. For that we can look to the clear statement given by Benedict himself.

States have the right to regulate migration flows and to defend their own frontiers, always guaranteeing the respect due to the dignity of each and every human person. Immigrants, moreover, have the duty to integrate into the host country, respecting its laws and its national identity. www.vatican.va/…/hf_ben-xvi_mes_…

The Pope has written in a general way what Allen West details in this video. Yet, the Latino Brothehhood would never object to what the pope writes. I wonder why that is?

The Truth will set you free

That's not the issue. The issue is that because of their own personal preferences, some people can't handle the truth.


I know you're out there somewhere and you will likely be reading this post. I might be one of those people you mentioned who spend too much time on Gloria. But, I look at it this way.
A day without Gloria is like a day without sunshine.

holyrope 3
Colonel West is growing in popularity among the conservatives. Need more like him.