Michael Matt: German Bishops Set Dangerous Precedents For Church. Transcript of Michael Matt at the presser, Munich, January 18, Acies Ordinata As a German American whose grandparents were born not …More
Michael Matt: German Bishops Set Dangerous Precedents For Church.
Transcript of Michael Matt at the presser, Munich, January 18, Acies Ordinata
As a German American whose grandparents were born not far from here, I welcome this opportunity to speak to the situation in the German Catholic Church which is beyond desperate and which has caused considerable concern among many American Catholics.
The German Bishops’ “synodal path” appears to be an effort to create a church according to the image and likeness of the German Bishops, who apparently believe they can define doctrine and establish their own national Church - a sort of elitist nationalism that flies in the face of the universal Catholic Church, with one faith, one sacramental system, and one discipline throughout the whole world.
Statutes drafted in cooperation with the Central Committee of German Catholics threaten to posit the ordination of women and the abolition of priestly celibacy as countermeasures to the clerical sexual …More
Thors Catholic Hammer
We are meant to be one Catholic Church united in common belief.
Antipope Bergoglio is destroying that unity with the formal heresies published in Amoris Laetitia .
If unity persists at all it only does so only on the logical basis of Pope Benedict being a continuing valid pontiffMore
We are meant to be one Catholic Church united in common belief.
Antipope Bergoglio is destroying that unity with the formal heresies published in Amoris Laetitia .

If unity persists at all it only does so only on the logical basis of Pope Benedict being a continuing valid pontiff
"that one guy who name is Francis" was appointed by whom, mattsixteen24? If tomorrow Francis literally fell over dead, who will appoint his (probably even worse) replacement?
Thors Catholic Hammer
If antipope and excommunicated formal heretic Francis died tomorrow nothing would happen except the air of the earth being made purer and cleaner.
Pope Benedict would continue as the pope.
But you are one of those willfully blind backward types who continue to refuse acknowledge the canonical legal defects
In Pope Benedict’s resignation formula.
Defects confirmed visibly in his subsequent conduct …More
If antipope and excommunicated formal heretic Francis died tomorrow nothing would happen except the air of the earth being made purer and cleaner.
Pope Benedict would continue as the pope.

But you are one of those willfully blind backward types who continue to refuse acknowledge the canonical legal defects
In Pope Benedict’s resignation formula.
Defects confirmed visibly in his subsequent conduct of wearing official papal attire,fisherman’s ring, papal form of address , papal residential address and finally imparting his papal apostolic blessing by letter ( something only a pope can do) to cardinal Sarah .
The bishops would be able to expel that old man Bergoglio from office - if they only would!
Thors Catholic Hammer
Bergolio has severed himself from the Mystical Body of Christ by promoting formal heresy in his pamphlet “ Amoris Laetitia “
A few deluded types think this pamphlet is a papal document but that is impossible.
An excommunicated formal heretic can not be a pope.
Even in the doubtful event that Bergoglio ever was a pope he immediately ceased to be such when he published that pamphlet mentioned aboveMore
Bergolio has severed himself from the Mystical Body of Christ by promoting formal heresy in his pamphlet “ Amoris Laetitia “
A few deluded types think this pamphlet is a papal document but that is impossible.
An excommunicated formal heretic can not be a pope.
Even in the doubtful event that Bergoglio ever was a pope he immediately ceased to be such when he published that pamphlet mentioned above.
Totally, it's all the Bishops fault. Not that one guy whose name is Francis...
Thors Catholic Hammer
You need to understand that Bergoglio aka Francis is the most dangerous antipope in history.
He has successfully deceived and threatened the vast majority of bishops who are afraid of him both spiritually and physically.
Any bishop who criticises or questions, even remotely or mildly , anything that Bergoglio says, is severely punished.
The hypocrite then never shuts up talking about “mercy”. …More
You need to understand that Bergoglio aka Francis is the most dangerous antipope in history.
He has successfully deceived and threatened the vast majority of bishops who are afraid of him both spiritually and physically.
Any bishop who criticises or questions, even remotely or mildly , anything that Bergoglio says, is severely punished.
The hypocrite then never shuts up talking about “mercy”.
That is the problem facing the bishops .
The only was to deal with this menace is to expose the mans formal heresies and the fact that these heresies make him no longer a member of the Catholic Church.