Gloria.TV News on the 12th of January 2015 The Vatican Has Killed Another Catholic Bishop: The diocese of Albenga-Imperia, Italy, which has a Catholic bishop, Monsignor Mario Oliveri, and many seminarians …More
Gloria.TV News on the 12th of January 2015
The Vatican Has Killed Another Catholic Bishop: The diocese of Albenga-Imperia, Italy, which has a Catholic bishop, Monsignor Mario Oliveri, and many seminarians has been normalized by the Vatican. On Saturday bishop Guglielmo Borghetti of Pitigliano-Orbetello-Soavana was appointed as Coadjutor bishop who has the right to succeed the present bishop. This is a big blow for Monsignor Oliveri. Because of his Catholic stands, he has regularly been villainised by the media and by leftwing ecclesiastical circles. Until now Albenga-Imperia has been a place of refuge for seminarians who where looking for a truly Catholic diocese and a truly Catholic bishop.
“Culture of Discarding”: The Italian daily La Stampa has published an interview, which Pope Francis gave in October for a book about his social teaching. The Pope strongly criticizes capitalism as a “culture of discarding” which – quote – “leads to reject children also with abortion”. In the context …More
Cristo-Rey-Soberano and one more user link to this post
la verdad prevalece
👍 BrAlexisBugnolo martes, 08:33
I would beg every Catholic on earth to insist that the Cardinals investigate the allegations of scandal commited by Team Bergoglio during and before the last Conclave
👍 BrAlexisBugnolo martes, 08:33

I would beg every Catholic on earth to insist that the Cardinals investigate the allegations of scandal commited by Team Bergoglio during and before the last Conclave
I think you'll find that while some blogs have gone ballistic about the so called scandal of Pope Francis' election - the author himself, Austen Ivereigh has cleared up any confusion about any wrongdoing. You can read it here:www.abc.net.au/…/4158763.htm
@Gloria.TV News - this should be enough to clear up the story you posted about the so called team bergolio story last monthMore
I think you'll find that while some blogs have gone ballistic about the so called scandal of Pope Francis' election - the author himself, Austen Ivereigh has cleared up any confusion about any wrongdoing. You can read it here:www.abc.net.au/…/4158763.htm

@Gloria.TV News - this should be enough to clear up the story you posted about the so called team bergolio story last month
The way the term, "normalized," is used here creeps me the heck out...
I would beg every Catholic on earth to insist that the Cardinals investigate the allegations of scandal commited by Team Bergoglio during and before the last Conclave
I would beg every Catholic on earth to insist that the Cardinals investigate the allegations of scandal commited by Team Bergoglio during and before the last Conclave

la verdad prevalece
✍️ Gracias Abramo Con todo respeto estoy en desacuerdo con usted porque la famosa frase de Francisco fue maliciosa y es la que ha causado que los curas sodomitas en vez de obedecer el Evangelio se sienten como reclamando derechos de ser gay y cura a la vez olvidándose de su voto de castidad. Francisco es directamente responsable por su permisividad y negligencia asi como fue directamente responsable …More
✍️ Gracias Abramo Con todo respeto estoy en desacuerdo con usted porque la famosa frase de Francisco fue maliciosa y es la que ha causado que los curas sodomitas en vez de obedecer el Evangelio se sienten como reclamando derechos de ser gay y cura a la vez olvidándose de su voto de castidad. Francisco es directamente responsable por su permisividad y negligencia asi como fue directamente responsable Eli de sus hijos sacerdotes a los cuales se negó a corregir, además la frase fue maliciosa porque Francisco tiene conocimientos de psicología y hasta el mas ignorante psicólogo sabe que a una persona que es tentada con una atracción al mismo sexo no se le identifica o etiqueta como gay sino que existe un termino medico que es SSA o AMS por esto la Dra Randy al escribir su carta abierta a Francisco también resalta la malicia de etiquetar a un cura como gay . Es obvio que a Francisco le interesan las cosas del mundo menos la salvación de las almas y esta siendo negligente al no llamar a los sodomitas al arrepentimiento para que abandonen el vicio y se puedan salvar.
@la-verdad-prevalece: I do agree with you that Pope Francis statements as a cardinal and as a Pope in matters of homosexualism at times lack the clarity needed for the high standards of the Gospel. But this is not at stake in the case of Fr Martin Dolan. Pope Francis is not involved in this case. You cannot directly blame the Pope for Dolan in case you are a Christian.
Here's a more important fact - you have a subjective opinion of Pope Francis based on your reliance on a certain type of 'news' (and I use the word loosely) sources.
As Cardinal in Argentina, he was critical of same-sex marriage and gay adoption. Please stop reading anti-Francis blogs and using them as a basis for more slander against your Pope.More

Here's a more important fact - you have a subjective opinion of Pope Francis based on your reliance on a certain type of 'news' (and I use the word loosely) sources.

As Cardinal in Argentina, he was critical of same-sex marriage and gay adoption. Please stop reading anti-Francis blogs and using them as a basis for more slander against your Pope.
Noticias en Español and one more user link to this post
la verdad prevalece
Abramo Here is the fact;
Bergoglio since was a Cardinal allow the gay couple in Argentina adopt Children and allow homosexual receive communion sacrilegious Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires. The phrase of Bergoglio in Brazil was maliciously and contradicts the word of God This quote was an answer to a question about Mons. Ricca (…More
Abramo Here is the fact;
Bergoglio since was a Cardinal allow the gay couple in Argentina adopt Children and allow homosexual receive communion sacrilegious Argentine Transvesti Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires. The phrase of Bergoglio in Brazil was maliciously and contradicts the word of God This quote was an answer to a question about Mons. Ricca (The Person who Francis label as a Gay)
What Francis did was that he identified a Priest Mons Ricca as a Gay man telling him you can be gay and still seek the Lord. This is a Sin of Malice- and this interview in Brazil open the door to the priest sodomites of this priest gay revolution after the sodomities sodomized the pedophilia-homosexual scandal our catholic children. Francis has been silent about the recent homosexual scandals and before the sacrilege committed in the house of God by Sodomites committed allow it by priests while Bergoglio/ Francis becomes complicit with his silence.

The Language of Gayspeak
by Randy Engel

When I first read your response to Scamparini, I must confess that my attention was not drawn immediately to the Ricca scandal, but rather to the fact that you (FRANCIS ) used the term "gay" or "gay person" no less than five times.

On June 6, 2013, you allegedly made a private comment to the members of the Latin America Confederation of Men and Women Religious affirming the existence of a "gay lobby," inside the Vatican, but the term was later reported with quotes. [2] Such was not the case this time round. I must assume that your unfortunate decision to use the politically correct language of gayspeak was deliberate. In normal times this action might have been overlooked with a wink and a nod, but in wartimes it smells of treason and corruption.

The war of which I speak is the war being waged by faithful Catholics and other civilized men and women across the world against the forces of organized sexual perversion. These are the forces of the enemies of the cross of Christ "whose end" Blessed Paul the Apostle tells us "is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things." (Epistle. Philip. 3, 17-19). The Homosexual Collective, aka, La Lobby Gay, has long been aware that to control language is to control the way people think since we think in terms of words. The words we speak determine the thoughts we have. It is by controlling language, a form of Pavlovian conditioning, that the Collective seeks to change the dominant shape of reality.

Unlike the word, homosexual, or the more traditional term, sodomite, the word "gay" is used by the Collective and its sympathizers to denote a "consciously united resistance to homophobic and heterosexual deployments of power relations." [3] It is the task of the Homosexual Collective to transform the homosexual or sodomite into a "gay" man, and to define, control and validate "authentic" homosexual identity and behavior and all other aspects of "gay" life.
Francis is persecuting true catholics.
Pius XI defended Fascism in Quadragesimo Anno as the solution to the imperialism of money. Given Francis' sympathies for Peronism, the Argentine Mussolini, it shouldn't be surprising the he regards that disgraceful encyclical highly.
Harmonia celestiala
Thank you Abramo, for this reference
@la-verdad-prevalece: You play in favour of your enemies if you blame just everything on "Bergoglio". There have unfortunately been many priests who have done the same as Dolan before Francis was Pope. Please, stick to facts and limit insults. That's what the Gospel asks as to do (in case you are a Christian).
la verdad prevalece
El nuevo Apostata Martin Dolan 🤨
Otro cura mas que cae en Apostasía y se rebela contra las enseñanzas morales de la Iglesia gracias al efecto Bergoglio que abrió la caja de pandora por eso los sodomitas desobedecen la palabra de Dios que nos advierte que debemos de apartarnos de toda inmoralidad sexual y desobedecen los mandamientos de la Ley de Dios el 6 y 9 mandamiento y ellos desobedece las …More
El nuevo Apostata Martin Dolan 🤨
Otro cura mas que cae en Apostasía y se rebela contra las enseñanzas morales de la Iglesia gracias al efecto Bergoglio que abrió la caja de pandora por eso los sodomitas desobedecen la palabra de Dios que nos advierte que debemos de apartarnos de toda inmoralidad sexual y desobedecen los mandamientos de la Ley de Dios el 6 y 9 mandamiento y ellos desobedece las advertencias de la Virgen en la Salette ; estos sodomitas desfilan libremente porque no hay un verdadero pastor que vele por la salvación de sus almas y dejan a un lado el temor de Dios para rebelarse contra su ley y remplazan a Cristo por el dios sexo. Violan además el voto de castidad que prometieron a Dios mismo.
Como afirma la Escritura quien desprecia la voluntad de Dios que es nuestra santificación y apartarnos de la inmoralidad sexual no se rebela contra ningún ser humano sino contra el Espíritu Santo mismo por eso este pecado de este cura sodomita es un pecado de malicia que no tiene perdón ni en esta vida ni en la otra. Pecan como los ángeles apostatas como se rebelaron los demonios contra Dios y para ellos esta reservado el fuego Eterno.