IN THE BEGINNING EPISODE 16 JOURNEY TO THE PROMISED LAND. The Land of Promise Our inheritance has been promised to us from God and just as He promised Moses to deliver his people from Egypt and take …More

The Land of Promise Our inheritance has been promised to us from God and just as He promised Moses to deliver his people from Egypt and take them into a land that was flowing with milk and honey, the same is true for us today. Children of God this is our time, it has been a long time coming but its here, I believe this is the year for wealth transfer (Proverbs 13:22) “the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” Do not limit wealth to only money because God is dealing with the spiritual things first. There is an inheritance that God is going to give us this year that will not come from the work of our hands, but from the toil, sweat, and work of sinners, a double portion of what He takes from the sinners, He’s going to give to the just (righteous). Please do not waste time as the Israelite did, today we are in the promise land and God want to release all that He has for us, just release your faith and get ready to accept His gift and praise Him all the way.

Beginning of the Journey to the Promised Land The journey started back in the ancient days with Moses leading the Israelite out of Egypt into the Promised Land which was Canaan; this was to be the land of freedom and prosperity for Gods chosen people. Moses had to first get the people out of Egypt which was a place of familiarity, bondage, and stagnation; the people were being oppressed by pharaoh. After getting them free from bondage through the direction and help of God, Moses had to lead them into a different direction in order to gain freedom. Moses had his orders from God and he was faithful to God’s instruction as he took up the charge to lead his people out of captivity, this was no easy task by any stretch of the imagination. Moses didn’t know where he was going, all he knew he had to go and went he did, he stepped out on God’s command, and held on to Gods promises. When Moses stepped out he didn’t look back , although he was dumbfounded as to where he was going, he kept walking forward until he reached what he thought of as the end of the road, a road block so to speak. Moses and the people was facing insurmountable odds because they were in the desert which is an open terrain and the enemy was on their track behind them, and the Red Sea was in front of them preventing them from going any further. The people was afraid and over anxious and Moses had to stand still, take a breath and in the midst of the turmoil he had to turned to God for instruction, and the Lord directed him. God used what Moses had to create the biggest miracle of all. Moses always walked with his rod, so God asked him what he had in his hand and tell him to lift it up to the heavens, and in obedience and faith he took the rod and lifted it up to the heavens, and God responded in a miraculous way. The Red Sea heard God’s voice, stood up high at attention and parted drying up the ground below. I am sure Moses never thought of his staff as any significant tool other than to help him walk and herd sheep, but God used the smallest and the most insignificant thing, in addition to his faith and obedience to create an instant escape in the sight of their enemy, WOW God is faithful! Just look at this miracle how God’s word was used as a two edged sword, on one side the way of escape and on the other side the annihilation of the enemy, I’ll bet they never saw that one coming. The enemy was first put to shame before they suffered the ultimate defeat which was death, God stopped them in their track by fire and kept them there to watch his people go through, and when He was ready for them He allow the fire to move out their way. The enemies dared to peruse the children of God, how ignorant and self righteous they were to think that they were more than the true and living God. Their ignorance (sin) cost them their lives and God’s people were freed from the enemy, their past was dead once and for all; isn’t God awesome? New Land – The Wilderness The second phase of the journey was the wilderness, this is a place where you get to know God and develop a right and intimate relationship with Him. This is where you get real personal with God, learning His ways and His will, commandments, and principles for the way you should live your life; which is unto honor of Him. This is a place of shedding, renewing, and growing- a place of transition. Transition is a place of humbleness, brokenness, self critique, surrendering, learning, decision, faith, obedience, one on one with God. There is no place like the wilderness because when its all said and done you will know who you are and what you are truly about, your character will be developed and proved, the wilderness is not only a place of testing but it is a place of triumph also. The wilderness is where you shed the past emotionally, physically, and mentally, you cannot reach the promise land without going through the wilderness, there is no short cuts or any alternative route, so be pliable and let God do His thing and you will reap the best reward if you humble your self and follow God. If you choose to be defiant of God you will also reap a reward, but it will not be one to enjoy. The Israelites were a bunch of stiff necked people they were rebellious, ungrateful, and had a total disregard for God who kept His faithfulness to them time and time and time again. These people were happy when they got God's provision but as soon as it ran out they were cursing God, totally forgetting the miracle they saw and received. They constantly reverted back to their own destructive way of thinking and living until God gave them their desire, they spoke their fate into existence when they accuse God of bringing them there to die. In Essen what God said was, if that's what you want you got it, and all that generation died off. Everyone 20 years of age and under was spared, this was to be the new generation, the Joshua generation who would eventually make it into the promise land. Moses although faithful to God did not get to go into the Promised Land, but he was made to see it before he died, this was because of the people's sin and Moses reaction to their sin, he let them make him miss entering the Promise Land.
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