
Violent BLM members stopped Protestant service

BLM is scripted, and paid.

The Kampf Of The Woke

All the news is scripted.

Fintan O’Toole: Future of the American republic is in grave danger unless Trump is defeated

God Bless "Our Magnificent President Donald John Trump!"

Baltimore's Bishop Lori Hires Outspoken Pro-LGBT, Pro–Black Lives Matter Adviser on Racism

Yo, Bishop Lori Hires, "from one Catholic, to another Catholic, Go To Confession."

Antipope Francis. 10 reasons why..

Pray for the conversion of "President Donald J. Trump", to our true Catholic faith. Ave Maria!

Pope Francis - Man Against God's Word

People, is Francis really "The Pope"? ....'nuf said!

Italy: Baptist Preacher Concelebrates During Mass

Matthew 16:18 (KJV): And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Francis Ends Celibacy

Francis Ends Celibacy??? Will Pope Francis' marry also?

Ecumenical Mass in Turin

non-Catholics receiving Holy Communion at The Holy Mass?

Catholic Dancing Liturgy

O my Jesus, forgive us of our sins.
Save us from the fires of Hell.
Lead all souls to heaven, especially
those most in need of Thy mercy.

Powerful Bishop Paprocki: No Sacraments, No Catholic Funerals for Those Involved in Gay Pseudo-Marriages

mccallansteve, I see that you like to argue. Shame on you. Humble yourself, save your aurguement. Tell it to a priest in confession. I will not play your game.

Powerful Bishop Paprocki: No Sacraments, No Catholic Funerals for Those Involved in Gay Pseudo-Marriages

mccallansteve, Bishop Paprocki is magnificent with courage, filled with the Holy Spirit Of Truth. He is indeed a super hero.

Poor Taste

Where's The Corpus?

Woman Carries the Monstrance For Corpus Christi

Where's a ordained priest ?

New Bishop With a Gay-Scarf


Vatican Heavily Attacks Trump

It's a coup, a crazed attempt to overthrow our
government. They are selling a hoax, a globalist
agenda, an assault to destroy President Trump,
because he cannot be bought or bullied. Trump's
election interfered with their plan.
Our President won't have to quash any investigation.
Our President Donald J. Trump Is Magnificent!
Now, Listen-Up, People!
Pay Close Attention, About President Donald J. …More
It's a coup, a crazed attempt to overthrow our
government. They are selling a hoax, a globalist
agenda, an assault to destroy President Trump,
because he cannot be bought or bullied. Trump's
election interfered with their plan.

Our President won't have to quash any investigation.

Our President Donald J. Trump Is Magnificent!

Now, Listen-Up, People!

Pay Close Attention, About President Donald J. Trump …

Our "Great God Almighty" Has Placed Him In Office.
President Trump is "The Guy". He's "The Cleaner". He's
There To Clean-Up "The Mess", Left By Previous Criminal
Administrations, "Draining The Swamp".

Have faith in God, and the man, that He has sent us.
Supernaturally, jobs are returning to our country. Evil
accusations roll off Trump's back, returning to Hell,
where they originated from. No longer will the USA pay
for abortions. True Patriotism has arisen.

God Bless President Trump!

God Bless The USA!

Trumps Rede vor der AIPAC: Islam, Saudi-Arabien und spez. Iran

Our President Donald J. Trump Is Magnificent! God Bless The USA!

Bürgerkrieg in Frankreich. Chaos ist die Vorbedingung zur Schaffung einer Neuen Weltordnung

The Culture Of Death opposes The Culture Of Life