

Christ: 'Without ME you can do nothing'.

The Secrets of Garabandal

@Live Mike Thank you for your kind reply and now further comment by me:
The enormity of Garabandal is yet to be fully realized and is embedded in the Holy Virgins Important Messages for the World. Those Messages were given full ecclesiastical approval by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:
"We would like to say, however, that we have found no …
@Live Mike Thank you for your kind reply and now further comment by me:

The enormity of Garabandal is yet to be fully realized and is embedded in the Holy Virgins Important Messages for the World. Those Messages were given full ecclesiastical approval by Bishop Aldazabal of Santander (Spain) who, in a nota dated July 8, 1965, had to admit:

"We would like to say, however, that we have found no grounds for an ecclesiastical condemnation, either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been divulged in the events and addressed to the Christian faithful; furthermore, these recommendations contain exhortations to prayer, sacrifice, devotion to the Holy Eucharist, and devotion to the Blessed Virgin under traditional praiseworthy forms; these are also exhortations to a holy fear of the Lord, offended by our sins..."

Fr Malachi Martin responds further in his 1998 interview by talk show host Art Bell. 1961 there was a second appearance, this time in Spain, in Garabandal. And the opening words indeed of that revelation were: 'Because my sons have not listened to my orders, my mandate, here is what is going to happen...' and the message was very dire, a repetition of the Third Secret in brief form.

The Holy Virgins Messages for the World:

October18, 1961: We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives, If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.

June 18, 1965: As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over. Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives.
You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the passion of Jesus."


We know for certain that Paul VI and John Paul II were made aware of Garabandal, and in all probability informed of the year -- if not the actual date, of the Miracle. Paul VI to Conchita: "Conchita, I bless you and the whole world blesses you". John Paul II to Albrecht Weber, [Author,'Garabandal Der Zeigefinger Gottes'] " May God reward you for everything. Especially for the deep love with which you are making the events connected with Garabandal more widely known. May the Message of the Mother of God find an entrance into hearts before it is too late..." We also know for certain that both Popes had read the Third Secret of Fatima. Accepting that the Garabandal Messages also reveal the undisclosed contents of the same secret, [Malachi Martin again]. It logically follows that; any inclination by Popes Paul VI or John Paul II, to hurriedly proceed with the consecration of Russia was suddenly and unexpectedly removed. The reason is that the conversion of Russia is now set to occur as a consequence of the Great Miracle at Garabandal, [1963 locution to Conchita]. Besides explaining the reluctance on the part of the Popes [including Benedict XVI] to proceed with the consecration of Russia specifically, it also explains why the emphasis on their part had been more toward a global consecration or none at all. Any lingering doubt in their minds about the credibility of Fatima Visionary; Sr Lucy's testimony, is also addressed by heavens new mandate to the Garabandal Visionaries who, at least initially, were to assume responsibility for making the Holy Virgins Messages known. The Holy Virgin and Heavens deadline for the release of the Fatima Third Secret expired in 1960 because of the failure by John XXIII to heed the request from the Queen of Prophets. The Apparitions of Garabandal began to unfold on June 18 of the following year - no mere accident in the opinion of this writer.
Although initially, the Bishops of Santander did all they could to discredit the visionaries and as one commentator put it: "Wipe Garabandal off the map" they all failed to do so. Surprisingly, the head of the first investigative Commission, which brought down a negative judgment on the apparitions; Eminent Psychiatrist Dr Louis Morales has since publicly reversed his earlier decision. He and another priest member of that Commission, -- later to become Bishop of Santander, were to devote their retirement years promoting the apparitions!

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.


The Secrets of Garabandal

@Live Mike Commendable and informative effort by you and Dr Moynehan at a time when the world most needs it - much appreciated.
United in the hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

@Tony M. Well said, nor was it in the Church I was born into in 1941.

Viral Video: Authoritarian Priest Refuses Communion

In such circumstances, the priest should ask himself 'What would Christ do in the same situation; taking into account the Lords instruction to "Feed my Sheep"? The answer is patently obvious despite any direction to do otherwise.

Unfortunate Norms: Vatican Cannot Find Anything "Supernatural" Anymore

Yes - but more likely Garabandal - in which case their efforts will fail; as the events will prove their own authenticity by fulfilment of the major prophecies. The Vatican will then have no option other than stamp its final approval.

Australia: Archbishop Reaps Hatred for Defending Common Sense

I respectfully suggest the rest of the Australian Hierarchy awaken from their slumber and follow the courageous Archbishops example.

Looking beyond

Excellent synopsis of the current crisis and the reasons for it - recommended reading

Antisemitism, far-left extremism common at Canadian protest encampments

@Sean Johnson Wrong again: do your research before posting and read the Apostolic Constitution 'Quo Primum'

Antisemitism, far-left extremism common at Canadian protest encampments

@Sean Johnson By whom? Aren't people entitled to differing opinions in their search for the truth? When I was at university it was known as 'academic freedom'.


@chris griffin Thanks Chris for that stark reminder. Truth is that without Christ none of us will ever make it to our heavenly destiny.

Twenty Catholic Scholars Expose Francis’ Crimes

Fr Malachi Martin S.J. who had read the Third Secret of Fatima made reference to the last Pope being 'Under the control of Satan'.
More here: Talk show Host Art Bell interviews Fr Malachi Mart…

The Police Are No Longer On Our Side

Properly defined, all bureaucrats including police, are 'Slaves of the State'.

During Saturday’s Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria Symposium near Dallas, Eduard Habsburg discussed …

Absolutely agree. A highly commendable witness to Eduard's Catholic Faith and template for all those contemplating marriage.

They want to KILL you (here's how they'll do it) - Dr Vernon Coleman

Every reason for Divine Intervention.

Documentary: "San Sebastián de Garabandal: The Eyewitnesses"

@The Wandering Recluse I accidentally came across your request for assistance to download the video. Here is my recommendation:
1.0 Download and install 'ClipGrab'
2.0 Copy and paste the URL:
Garabandal Warning, Our Ladys messages and prophecies - full video
as appropriate into the program.
3.0 Left click 'Grab this clip!' and wait for the download to finish.

Fr. Ryan Stawaisz: Trust in God. Fr Ryan Stawaisz describes what it was like to have cancer at one of …

An encouraging example for all those struggling under the weight of their crosses.

Abortion is not just murder,

Excellent summary 👏 👏

COVID Nurse Sounds the Alarm: “mRNA Vaccines Are Depopulation Drugs”

Equally important for those effected, is to 'Get right with God'.
Catholics should repent of their sins and return to sacramental confession and the daily Rosary. All others should lead good lives.