
the Praise of GOD. Worshiping God with Scriputre, Praise and Blessing

Lanqing is fine, we'll see each-other on Friday, and yes we work together. I'm not trying to convert anyone. Stay in your Church. Enjoy the video. Anybody who loves God should appreciate a video that Praises God through scripture. What part of this video would make anyone think it's against Catholics?

Leaving the Gay Lifestyle, Former Homosexuals share their story of coming to Jesus our of homosexuality

I have 2 personal friends that came out of this lifestyle.

Child Sacrifice: Ancient and Modern

@Spiritlessons Abortion is one of the worst evils! [Where did my fractal comments go?]

A Brief Introduction to Jesus Christ. Who He Is, and What He Does

@occasnltrvlr So you're pretty sure that you know about each of the titles mentioned in this video?

A Brief Introduction to Jesus Christ. Who He Is, and What He Does

@Spiritlessons, it's Manhiem steamroller, I'll show you next time you come over for prayer.

12 Best CBN Testimonies, Amazing and Anointed Stories

Would you guys stop arguing!

Patriot Purge - The Truth about Jan. 6

For those who want to know the Truth about Jan. 6th.

Fractal Praise: Praising God with the Beauty of Fractals

Great Praise, and great Music.

Bible Stories found in Ancient Chinese Characters

Thanks for sharing.

The PRISON by Rick Joyner A vision of the whole world stuck in satan's prison

This was from the Final Quest Book, right?

Best Video on how the Ark of the Covenant was found by Ron Wyatt

Great documentary, thanks for notifying our group.

Techniques in Spiritual Warfare 2: Several new advanced strategies and techniques to overcome in …

Spiritlessons, why didn't you post the first video?

The Revival Video, the state of the Church

Hard to find preachers like this.

Child Sacrifice: Ancient and Modern

When will this issue get fixed?

World Wide Revivals A documentary of Revivals happening in our day

Great Testimonies...

FAKE Mountain - the Revelation Understanding the times we live in

I love that part...."Fake PRESIDENT"

Passion of Christ, Via Dolorosa Music Video

One of the best movies I've ever seen.