
She wanted to convert. She listened to Cardinal Ratzinger and died a Lutheran

To those who think he was a traditionalist, this will be surprising. To those who know otherwise, it won't be.
The former should search the net for this essay:
The Oath Against Modernism vs. the 'Hermeneutic of Continuity,' by John VennariMore
To those who think he was a traditionalist, this will be surprising. To those who know otherwise, it won't be.

The former should search the net for this essay:

The Oath Against Modernism vs. the 'Hermeneutic of Continuity,' by John Vennari

How far have we come in the negotiations with the Society of St. Pius X.?

Again and again, Bishop Fellay and others of the SSPX have stressed that there are no "negotiations" going on. In other words, it's not a matter of reaching doctrinal compromise. There are discussions happening, not negotiations. Doctrine is never to be compromised.

Gloria TV News on the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Who IS that glorious hostess???

Gay "Priest" Profanes "Holy" Mass

How is this heretic considered to be in the Church, but those of the SSPX are not? Scandalous.