Extremismo sinodal na Catedral da Almudena, em Madrid, Espanha.
Thanks for posting.
Madrid Live Meeting ’23 – Synodal extremism at the Almudena Cathedral, in Madrid, Spain, under the new archbishop José Cobo, recently created cardinal. Spiritual moment guided by DJ Priest Guilherme …Mais
Madrid Live Meeting ’23 – Synodal extremism at the Almudena Cathedral, in Madrid, Spain, under the new archbishop José Cobo, recently created cardinal. Spiritual moment guided by DJ Priest Guilherme Peixoto, from the Archdiocese of Braga, Portugal.
Via Sacrílega da JMJ Lisboa 2023
Preparation for the celebration for the "Missioning Mass", at WYD Lisbon 2023, with Fr. Guilherme Peixoto, parish priest of Amorim and Laundos (Archdiocese of Braga, Portugal) and DJ. Tejo Park, Lisbon …Mais
Preparation for the celebration for the "Missioning Mass", at WYD Lisbon 2023, with Fr. Guilherme Peixoto, parish priest of Amorim and Laundos
(Archdiocese of Braga, Portugal) and DJ.
Tejo Park, Lisbon, August 6, 2023.
Our lord loves a party (water to wine) These kids face so much hard ship you think our lord not enjoying them? Smiles every where no body worthy of Gods …Mais
Our lord loves a party (water to wine) These kids face so much hard ship you think our lord not enjoying them? Smiles every where no body worthy of Gods love . Once you find the pearl everything else will follow like great traditional liturgy
Alejandrina Reyes
Em Fátima, Francisco volta a proclamar o seu novo slogan ideológico: "Todos! Todos! Todos!"
Young Catholics stop LGBT propaganda at WYD Lisbon 2023Mais
Young Catholics stop LGBT propaganda at WYD Lisbon 2023
Every kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate: and every city or house (Bergoglian) divided against itself shall not stand. Mt 12:25
I love those two young people who said no, don't do this. They were so kind and loving and yet did not back down. Such good models for us!!!
Jovens católicos voluntários da JMJ Lisboa 2023 travam ação de propaganda LGBT
Msgr. Américo Aguiar: We don't want to convert young people to Christ Msgr. Américo Aguiar, auxiliary bishop of the Patriarchate of Lisbon, is responsible for organizing the World Youth Day - Lisbon 2023.Mais
Msgr. Américo Aguiar: We don't want to convert young people to Christ
Msgr. Américo Aguiar, auxiliary bishop of the Patriarchate of Lisbon, is responsible for organizing the World Youth Day - Lisbon 2023.
Well you won't gain Heaven then will you! What is the point of claiming to be a Priest if you don't value people's salvation and don't honour, serve or …Mais
Well you won't gain Heaven then will you! What is the point of claiming to be a Priest if you don't value people's salvation and don't honour, serve or follow the true teachings of Christ?
Ezekiel 3
17“Son of man, I have made YOU a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, give THEM a warning from Me. 18 If I (The Lord) say to the wicked man, ‘You will surely die!’ but YOU do not warn him or SPEAK OUT to warn him from his wicked way to save his life, that wicked man will DIE in his iniquity, and I will hold YOU responsible for HIS blood. 19 BUT if you DO warn a wicked man and he DOES NOT turn from his wickedness and his wicked way, he WILL die in his iniquity, but YOU will have saved YOURSELF…
You go around attired as a fully ordained Priest, What for?
Go and do something else entirely and stop using up the space that would be better occupied by a TRUE Servant of Christ.
TBH the Vine looks terrible and it's withering/wilting branches like yourself that …Mais
Our Lady of Fatima would like a moment with My Lord!
JMJ Lisboa 2023: "Invocação" Espírito Santo Parque Eduardo VII, Lisboa, 1 de agosto de 2023, antes da Missa de Abertura da Jornada Mundial da Juventude presidida pelo Patriarca de Lisboa.Mais
JMJ Lisboa 2023: "Invocação" Espírito Santo
Parque Eduardo VII, Lisboa, 1 de agosto de 2023, antes da Missa de Abertura da Jornada Mundial da Juventude presidida pelo Patriarca de Lisboa.

JMJ Lisboa 2023: Ativista LGBT James Martin Sj prega na Igreja de São Roque

A Igreja de São Roque, em Lisboa, sobreviveu ao terramoto de 1755, mas não conseguiu resistir à apostasia que atualmente afeta a Igreja Católica até ao topo. Valha-nos Deus! Fonte: Facebook/Fr. James …Mais
A Igreja de São Roque, em Lisboa, sobreviveu ao terramoto de 1755, mas não conseguiu resistir à apostasia que atualmente afeta a Igreja Católica até ao topo. Valha-nos Deus!
Fonte: Facebook/Fr. James Martin, SJ (02/08/2023)
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio e seu cúmplice James Martin desafiam Deus e a Igreja e aqueles que o apoiam se unem à anti-igreja do anticristo.

WYD Lisbon 2023: LGBT activist James Martin SJ preaches at Saint Roch's Church

The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon survived the earthquake of 1755, but it could not resist the apostasy that is currently affecting the Catholic Church right to the top. God help us! Source: Facebook …Mais
The Church of Saint Roch in Lisbon survived the earthquake of 1755, but it could not resist the apostasy that is currently affecting the Catholic Church right to the top. God help us!
Source: Facebook/Fr. James Martin, SJ (02/08/2023)
Jeffrey Ade
@Defeat Modernism So true, so sad! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Defeat Modernism
An invalid priest, and a valid sodomite. A wicked man teaching a perverse generation.
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Tucho, Bergoglio and the prelude to the destruction of Catholic moralsMais
Tucho, Bergoglio and the prelude to the destruction of Catholic morals
Hi Basto - Welcome and thanks for your post.
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