
Cardinal Burke: Receive Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue

thank you!

Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose?

I am a Roman Catholic, and I honestly believe that Rick Santorum is not a True Roman can tell a tree by the fruit it bares!

Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue is Preferred Form

Thank you Pope Benedict! The other day, I went to Mass at San Marcello located in the Center of Rome, Italy. I have never been to this Church for Mass, and was intending to go to another Church for Mass, but I was running late, so I ran inside this Church and made it exactly on time. Then when it was time to receive Holy Communion, I knelt down like I know I should do, before my King and savior …More
Thank you Pope Benedict! The other day, I went to Mass at San Marcello located in the Center of Rome, Italy. I have never been to this Church for Mass, and was intending to go to another Church for Mass, but I was running late, so I ran inside this Church and made it exactly on time. Then when it was time to receive Holy Communion, I knelt down like I know I should do, before my King and savior Jesus Christ, to receive Him i Holy Communion, and next thing i know, the priest looks at me and tells me to get up. I looked at him with such sorrows and simply asked why? And all he said was get up, stand up. Out of fear i did stand up. There were 15 people or so at that Mass, and i was kneeling for at least 30seconds before I stood up. I was really hurt bc of how priests are going against Jesus and His wishes and disrespecting him, by even forcing people to receive Holy Communion standing. From now on, I will kneel and receive Jesus on my tongue. According to Cardinal Arinze, no Priest has the right to force someone to stand up to receive Holy Communion. Let us pray for Our Priests and Lay people that they may Listen to the Holy Spirit and not Rebuke Him! only satan must be rebuked, vade retro satana!

Is communion on the tongue unsanitary?

Ok so first of all Holy Communion should only be distributed by a Priest. Second everyone should be receiving Jesus Body and Blood Kneeling and on the tongue, except for those who suffer physically and ofcourse are unable to kneel. Pope Benedict is showing the Church by example that one should kneel before our Lord and Savior Our King. So easily do men bow down and nearly prostrate themselves before …More
Ok so first of all Holy Communion should only be distributed by a Priest. Second everyone should be receiving Jesus Body and Blood Kneeling and on the tongue, except for those who suffer physically and ofcourse are unable to kneel. Pope Benedict is showing the Church by example that one should kneel before our Lord and Savior Our King. So easily do men bow down and nearly prostrate themselves before Celebrities, Kings; Queens, and other "influential people" of this world, but when it comes to do so for Jesus our Savior, no we begin to complain that "Oh, it's unhygenic!!?!" come on people wake up stop sleeping and stop trying to let the Antichrist take over! Soon before we know it, the PERPETUAL SACRIFICE will be ABOLISHED!! This is what the AntiChrist Freemasons are up to...wake up and defend Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, be an Example and Fight for the TRUTH!!!!!


Sono un po perplessa di questo incontro. Spero veramente che Il Papa rimane fedele alla Santa Chiesa Cattolica e a Dio Padre. Mario Monti è un Massone e lavora per Bilderberg è un falso. Se un albero è buono si vede dai frutti. Se un albero è cattivo si vede dai frutti. Che frutti ha Monti? Che cosa sta facendo con Italia? Le risposte sono ovvie. grazie.

The Obama Deception. The Obama Deception

thank you for letting me know this, I will check out the video. The videos that i posted though do not say anything against the Roman Catholic Church, and if it did i would not post. But its important also to see what the enemies are up to and wake people up. And im glad that alex jones is doing this.. oh how important it is to use also Holy Discernment in everything,.Holy Spirit Guide us always in …More
thank you for letting me know this, I will check out the video. The videos that i posted though do not say anything against the Roman Catholic Church, and if it did i would not post. But its important also to see what the enemies are up to and wake people up. And im glad that alex jones is doing this.. oh how important it is to use also Holy Discernment in everything,.Holy Spirit Guide us always in Your Light and Truth. thank you all

Condo Owner Forced to Remove Virgin Mary Statue

thanks this happened in USA