Gloria.TV News on the 10th of December. No Hero: Some Catholics have indicated that Pope Francis and many bishops have been praising the recently deceased Nelson Mandela in an irresponsible manner. …More
Gloria.TV News on the 10th of December.
No Hero: Some Catholics have indicated that Pope Francis and many bishops have been praising the recently deceased Nelson Mandela in an irresponsible manner. Francis claimed that Mandela promoted the human dignity of all citizens of South Africa on the basis of non-violence, reconciliation and truth. He wished that Mandela’s example may inspire generations of politicians. However, Mandela was a member of the Communist Party and in 1996, he signed one of the most inhuman abortion laws in the world. Since then, nearly a million aborted children have resulted. In 2006 South Africa introduced same-sex marriage with Mandela’s support.
Christianophobic University: The National University of Ireland in Galway suspended the Legion of Mary after the distribution of leaflets around the campus which promoted chastity for people with homosexual temptations. The leaflets invited these people to “move beyond the confines of the homosexual label”. A statement on …More
God Bless You too Doina.!!! ✍️
Padre Giuseppe Cappello
Padre Giuseppe Cappello
The gift of wisdom is a gift from the Holy Spirit.
What a wise priest!
God, please protect him from the evil wolves. Amen.
Poor wolf : Volpi is lacking money
(the nomen of this kind shepherd est omen)
Thanks for the news.