
Easter Sunday 2017 Kyrie & Gloria Mozart K 259

What a Beautiful Sanctuary !!!!

Is this what passes for Catholic in California? 2013 Easter Vigil Liturgical Dance

What an ugly Sanctuary !!

Benedetto un presepe al Parlamento Europeo in Bruxelles

That's a beautiful version of the Ave Maris Stella. Does anybody knows who singing it?

Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of December 2014

And all this time I thought the Holy Spirit was behind Pope Francis election.

Like A Virgin. Sister Cristina

No matter what you think of the song, the video is excellent !!

How We Came to Wear the Veil. Join the Citabelles on The Good Life for their personal testimonies on …

Love it when a woman wear a veil. God bless you Ladies. I'm not sure about this But should only single Woman wear a white veil signifying virginity and Married woman wear Black veils or doesn't it make a difference. Just wondering.

Frauen von heute. Die neue Generation der Frauen

They can't cook either

Francis says married men could be ordained – if world's bishops agree

If the World Bishops Agree? Vatican II Collegiality at work.

Montenegro church depicts Tito, Marx and Engels in hell

Must be the modernist criticizing it for its lavish design. The Church is beautiful. Wish they will built more like it.

Francis: ‘Visions’ of Mary can distance people from God

"Mary is not a postmaster of the post office sending out messages every day."
Sounds like the Pope is attacking the Medjugorje racket.More
"Mary is not a postmaster of the post office sending out messages every day."

Sounds like the Pope is attacking the Medjugorje racket.

Satan, Winning Elections. Many US bishops are finally warming up to Republican ways of seeing things …

And guess who won the Catholic vote. Yep the Democrat McAuliffe.

Single Catholic Guys: Wake Up!

I don't know where these lovely, faithful Catholic woman are. All the ones I know cave into the Feminist movement.

The Bishop Dance (July 29, 2013) ChurchMilitantTV: Everybody hit the dance floor

Let's face it, The Modernists in Rome want to destroy Tradition. And they'll going a great job of it.

Voris: "Leave the Church of Nice"

Where do we go? The whole Novus Ordo Church is the Church of Nice.

Ave Maria Stella. Gregorian canticum

Another great one from the Daughters Of Mary 👏

"I shall not attend the graduation" by Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley

He'll show if a Kennedy was graduating just like he did at Ted Kennedy funeral Mass, another politician who promoted abortion.

U.S. Jews among most supportive of 'gay' marriage

And our Church leaders keep telling us that they are our eldest brothers in the Faith ?

Papst Franziskus noch als Kardinal beim Kommunionspenden

Particles of the Host falling all over the place. That one woman look like see didn't even consume it. Someone tell the Pope ! No wait that is him. 🤫